NLO 1423: Breaking Brad

It’s been a rough week. Patrick is super broke now, so please send in your offers of tribute. The Tesla was repossessed and Brad has been been through a terrible ordeal while away at training camp. She’s home to tell the tale, and the pictures will sicken you. While doing what he thought was best for his sweet dog, injuries on each and every one of her paws forced her to have to leave for a vet inspection, and the results are awful. People are getting more and more dug-in and stupid. Thai Rivera wants $5000 to perform on a show with Patrick, once again cementing his intense fear of competition and exposure. Patrick would love to do something to benefit a charity, but Thai needs more money for table tops. Exclusive chat logs reveal his thirst for money, lack of concern for others, and constant gaslighting of his own fans. Finally, we watch a suggested video of Thai embarrassing himself on stage in Arizona for ten minutes while spouting hacky stereotypes and calling a woman who doesn’t deserve it names.

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Episode Guests

Thai Rivera

Thai Rivera

Las Vegas, NV

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