Show Archive

March 24, 2025: Black Holes of Talent Exposed! Aaron Imholte’s Radio Future DASHED!

Aaron Imholte is gaslighting in full force this week, trying to convince his audience he wasn’t begging for attention from his old high school buddy last week and claiming the article about his felony case was another win for the toe. Stubbed and snubbed, the Steel Toe Morning Show falls on its fifth Monday loss as it misses the goal o-gain! Mike Calta aka Cowhead is back with his wife for one of the most embarrassing displays of insecurity from a broadcaster we have ever seen. Watch and find out what happens when radio superstars try to do a show with no staff and no commercial breaks to reset audience expectations.

March 19, 2025: BEST NEWCOMER! Miserable Men Trying SO HARD! Fresh STEEL TOE COPE Ahoy!

We’re gonna need a bigger boat! The desperation of people who don’t want to work for a living is making itself known to the Dabbleverse! Felicia Gillespie, Liam, Tom Myers and Michael Ray Bower all want to make money, but don’t have the head horsepower to realize they have nothing to offer in the way of entertainment. Let’s watch some of the saddest adult men try to figure out what they are and what they can do to stave off filling out applications and making an honest living! Aaron Imholte has made a new nest of delusion and from the looks of it, he’s not abandoning the throne of cope anytime soon!

March 17, 2025: AIN’T Patrick’s Day! Steel Toe’s AARON IMHOLTE Is An Alcoholic! Summer Slacking!

Bottom of the mornin’ to ya! Patrick is doing inspections to make sure you’re all wearing green, and if you aren’t, he’s going to pinch your cute little backsides! Aaron Imholte warned us that Members Only shows were going to get shorter, but this week’s show was ZERO minutes long. Let’s watch as a childless man tells us about his night out at a bar before falling on his face financially. We continue our journey of finding out exactly how mentally-challenged Chad Zumock is, and try to figure out where it all went wrong for the man. St. Patrick’s Day has one woman out in these streets causing extreme cringe and we are here for it!

OLD BOOT GOOFIN’! A Steel Toe Retrospective Show!

Aaron Imholte is a professional broadcaster with a career as storied as his hair is long. Join Patrick and Moody from New Zealand for this special look back at some of the best times in Steel Toe Morning Show’s history. Watch as Aaron talks about the weather, fixes his hair, shows off his deodorant, talks about how he should be immune from typical law enforcement, and even berates the chat for not getting the show. Don’t take it personally, Aaron – we’re just old boot goofin’!

March 11, 2025: RUMBLER Gets A TUMBLER! Chad FEELS O-gain! You OK, Baby Bird?

The perfect week continues! Aaron Imholte is a simple man who takes pleasure in the simple wins in life! Listen as a man tells you the story about a dryer and it’s newfangled capabilities! Patrick can’t get enough of the Bald Eagle cam and tries to watch for tips on how to get more viewers from one of nature’s most majestic birds! Chad Zumock pulls down another show because he cant take one guy making fun of him. We learn about the land of Titeria and find out a little bit about a thing called Karma. Thank you OJ!

March 10, 2025: The COPE Is REAL! Aaron Imholte CANNOT STOP SPINNING! Chad Zumock HAS NOTHING!

Aaron Imholte DOUBLES DOWN on dumb! You won’t believe the spin this grown man is trying to peddle to his listeners, and the personal details of his life keep spilling over in to his sad little imitation radio program. For a man with a very busy life that doesn’t occur on the internet, a lot of his feelings and personal baggage certainly does spill over on to The Toe. Chad Zumock loves shouting out his fans, and showing which fans donate, and talking to fans in the chat, and mentioning fans while defending himself, and…did you hear that? Someone is at the door! Sorry for the abrupt ending!