
NLO 1383: Umm, Bothered

Thai Rivera is back at it again, trying to explain away the same altercations for the third show in a row. This one is a LOLlercoaster of emotion, as Thai can't decide whether or not he wants to make up with people from one minute to the next. He waffles from indifferent to incensed with the manic energy of a teen girl. He also cannot stop texting Patrick throughout the show, which becomes annoying by the end. Patrick reveals how he trapped Thai into all-but proving his vanity by getting him to buy YouTube views. Thai starts new fights with comics Spiro and Jozalyn Sharp, while doubling down on old beefs with Matt Markman, Gooch, Bobby and Krystle, Big Irish Jay, Trixx, and so many more. It's uncomfortable, edited to shit, and lack focus and a cohesive point.

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BONUS: Thai Claps Back!

Patrick listens live to the latest collection of clipped together sass Thai calls a podcast to see what's new in the comedy world. Or in Thai's little corner of it. After Thai's long week of burning bridge after bridge, Thai goes in on even more comedians, bookers, and friends. He wrestles with the idea that he has a mental illness, and later in the show begins messaging Patrick DURING THE SHOW begging him to take down the videos and asking what needs to happen to make all this analysis cease. In this special show, we listen to Thai's latest beefs, excuses, lies and even rebuttals to Patrick's overwhelming and constantly accumulating pile of evidence.

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Aftershow 1379: Zoom Comedy, Triggers

Patrick kicks off the show by trying to show off a new app that has been developed just for desperate comedians. As if Zoom shows are not bad enough, now there's an app that let's "comedians" perform live nightly to earn worthless points for twos of people. It's getting rough out there. Patrick has trouble getting his iPad to display correctly on the stream. We watch a really cringe video with a conservative black commentator named Jesse Lee Peterson with comedians Shang and Ty Barnett. The comic duo seem to be confused about whether they are being held down or thriving in this era of racism. We learn what Christmas crackers are, because it's not really an American thing. Long story short for anyone who doesn't know - it's not worth learning about.

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NLO 1378: Ban Basil

Patrick begins the show with anger about a pizza he ordered that got delivered with a bushel of basil, and he's not really a basil man. But seriously, take a bite out of this hot gardening talk. There's drama brewing in the comedy community, and while Patrick is refusing to say much, he also says quite a bit. He just wishes people would understand he's a fair man. Josh Denny is doing the podcast rounds recently, and speaking of round, check out those cheeks! Josh says he is going back on tour, but we didn't knew he was ever on tour. Also, this new tour seems to consist of one show in rural Pennsylvania bar. Dustin Diamond, aka Screech, is dead now, but the dream of owning his home could live on, if you like dumps in the middle of nowhere.

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Aftershow 1377: SpaceX, Black Pedro

Patrick is back for a 3+ hour after show that starts with a watch of the latest SpaceX Starship test, which takes off, lands and then promptly explodes minutes laters. We're watching the latest Black Pedro nonsense, and it's worse than ever. Black Pedro gets drunk and embarrassingly flubs his wa through news stories, while failing to understand simple concepts about why a reporter might be biased for a story. We talk about graphics cards and the shortage of chips, a hot new jail show Patrick has discovered, more political and racial discourse, and so much more.

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Aftershow 1376: Black Pedro Video Scandal!

Patrick settles in for an aftershow and there's so many ways we can go today. We dive in to the latest Savage AF show, to hear how much Shang and Black Pedro can beat a dead horse. There's still no sign of this Black Pedro album, and we get curious and decide to look up videos. As it turns out, Pedro Hernandez has very little footage available only. Most of it is dated, and, get this - he keep uploading the same clip every few months for the past FOUR YEARS! There's also some Thai Rivera and Josh Denny stuff. The Locals community is NOT working out.

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Aftershow 1375: Josh Denny / Thai Rivera

Our kiwi pal Moody says the show we're watching today would have never happened without us Onions, but who knows? On this bonus show, we watch and review the paywalled morning show that Josh Denny recently did with Thai Rivera. Josh fudges timelines and catches himself several times. Moody calls Josh very racist throughout this show. Thai admits to watching Nobody Likes Onions, and both of them pretend to not know what the other is talking about. Who produces more cringe? Find out now.

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BONUS: Black Pedro & More!

Black Pedro is on fire this time, with claims of financial success and investing wisdom far beyond the age indicated by his hairline. We are still sorting out some issues in the new studio, so bear with us while we test some things out. We hope it's worth is, as we embark on a journey to listen to some of the most insane claims of investing knowledge ever. We also check in on YouTube Donut Operator for some cop videos, and Moody shows us a cringey zoom recording of a British council meeting.

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Savage AF Watch Party

Patrick fires up the stream to do some testing, but ultimately Twitch is being a nightmare. We switch over to YouTube to see if they can handle our bandwidths, and fire up the latest iteration of Savage AF to hear what insane racist rants Black Pedro will unleash today. Will it be lies about airline fees for black people? Claims of a literal white privilege card? A preview of his upcoming album that he can't get to play? All of the above?

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Aftershow 1374: Savage AF, Race Warz

Patrick continues combing over this episode of Savage AF, which is full of stimulating race conversation. The conversation then becomes more personal and Patrick begins discussing race issues candidly with everyone's favorite kiwi, Moody. Patrick and Moody go back and forth for quite a bit discussing race and identity, both confident and steadfast in their points of view, but also reasonable. Nothing gets solved, the world is still on fire, and we keep on keeping on.

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Aftershow 1373: Thai, Josh Denny

Patrick continues covering the clusterfuck of a podcast that Thai Rivera did with fellow comics Shang and Black Pedro. It gets even more ridiculous as Thai begins the act like he has somehow made a fool out of Shang and Pedro. They both spiral in to hypothetical arguments, spurious emotional anecdotes, and straight-up name calling. It's hard to tell who is more cringe in this abortion of a broadcast.

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PM in the AM: Dec 14, 2020

It's all over now. It's moving day. In just hours everything must be in boxes, and Patrick is being super chill about all of it. Maybe. Until he empties the alcohol and starts ripping foam off the walls. It's the last few moments in this iteration of the studio, and you get to watch. Or listen. We talk about Josh Denny, Twitch and their subs, waste management, Vegas comedy, and podcast studio design and desks. Patrick wants to reboot Xzibit's career with a new show.

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PM in the AM: Dec 10, 2020

Patrick sits down for a morning chat with you, his favorite listeners. Twitch has been sending out some long emails lately, and they are making new policies about content almost daily. Get ready for no jokes and no fun online. Patrick thinks he has been hacked because of a camera glitching and his new networking equipment being setup by a crazed fan named Spiro Bronch. Patrick has been painting and doing projects at the new house, which have been keeping him too busy to hang out with you dorks.

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PM in the AM: Apple Silicon Launch

Join Patrick in watching the Apple Silicon Mac launch event live. We join Tim Apple from Cupertino, Mexico while he launches the latest Macs using Apple's brand new silicon processor thingys. It's all very fancy and everything is shimmering brightly. The computers are fast and boy are you gonna want at least three of them. Chips!

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PM in the AM – Nov. 4, 2020

It's the morning after the election and we all feel like we slept with someone last night but can't remember who it was. We try to make sense of all the news and spin, but nobody really knows anything except that everything keeps changing. Patrick gets in to conspiracies and cults, and we look back at Heaven's Gate, a cult from the 1990's that really liked sneakers. We take a look at some of the latest nonsense from Thai Rivera.

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Election Night 2020 Pt. 3: The Unraveling

We are wrapping up a long night of election coverage by watching a bunch of newscasters try to make sense of sweeping Donald Trump leads across the country. No one will call anything and every channel we turn to is trying to rationalize the numbers. Riots are continuing in some cities, but for the most part America has chosen to go to bed and settle all this in the coming days.

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Election Night 2020 Pt. 2: Biden Starts Slidin’

Patrick continues his exclusive brand of irreverent election coverage with the renewed zest of a man who has recently returned from the toilet. In this FOUR HOUR block, we begin to see Donald Trump surge in some key states to the chagrin of most newscasters. Biden starts to lead in the popular vote, but who cares. Ohio, Florida, Georgia. Everything looks to be coming up Trump!

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PM in the AM – November 1, 2020

It's the morning after Halloween and Patrick is pissed that he bought a lot of candy for nothing. He's really getting in to Karen videos and what the kids are calling BASIC now. Patrick is buying a basic house. Patrick has a lot of problems with Twitch and how they do things. Stop getting your friends to help you move. Patrick is getting really jazzed up about his pool project.

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