
JAREDGATE: Help Your Dog Go Towards the Light!

Patrick pops on late night Friday to do a little showgram, and Jared aka the homeless hero aka the Oregonian mood-melter brings the chat down immediately with tales of his sick and dying dog. Patrick and other members of the chat try to help, but grow increasingly disturbed by Jared's lack of urgency and care in helping his four-legged friend find peace. Patrick's computers mysteriously reboot after trying to move on to another topic, and then the power cuts a minute later. Divine intervention? Hacking? Some things are not meant to be.

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October 3, 2023 – Fans Are Getting INSANE! Summer Sinclair BOMBS! Melton MELTDOWN!

Come join Patrick and a cast of puppet characters as they act out the entire Wizard of Oz! You're going to love the way Dorothy sings the hits! Seriously grab a Starburst and sit grandma by the air conditioner because ish is about to get fire af tonight boi! No seriously though, who knows what could happen. Patrick has so much dirt he could build some sort of dirt business or something!

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ONION AMBASSADOR IS BORN! Joey C Don’t Make His Own Sauce!

You can't plan this kind of brilliance! Patrick gets high! Joey C stream snipes! Christina C calls in to tell the world how nasty her rot pocket is! Joey C defends himself against the casual racism of SbuxxAmbassador, and Patrick decrees SbuxxAmbassador to be his official mouthpiece for the rest of the show. The epic battle of wits between these two northeast tough guys will run you through a guantlet of emotions. You'll scream, cry and laugh away your pain! It's one chill and relaxed night for Mr. McMelton, but the product speaks for itself! Join us for a wacky ride before Patrick fades away faster than Chad sipping Tito's from a botter wottle! It's Friday night, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do! Join the Onions!

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BONUS! Liar Liar Shows On FIRE!

What a day, what a way! Let's have a drink and discuss opportunities for growth and improvement. We all need to take a deep breath and figure out what's real, what's spin, who's out and who's in. Is Rob Saul full of complete poo? Is Chris Ables obfuscating the truth to protect his ego? How much of what's going on is being cosigned by Shuli, his producers, or others on the network? With all the rumors and misinformation swirling, we could all benefit from laying it all out in the open and just seeing what's what!

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VIOLENT Vegas Comic BUTCH BRADLEY Pulls Gun On Girlfriend!?

Comedian Butch Bradley went on the Misery Loves Company podcast with Kevin Brennan recently to tell his version of what happened in the past with Patrick. In the process, he publicly slandered Patrick several times with statements that he knows are false. Butch accuses Patrick of stalking, death threats, harassment of himself and his family, and much more. Who is more of a danger to Butch's loved ones? Patrick, who doesn't communicate with Butch at all and hasn't in five years, or Butch himself? Did Butch pull a gun on his girlfriend in 2021? Did she call 911? Wouldn't it be a shame if someone got ahold of the emergency call and police report? What would happen to the career of Las Vegas' funniest comedian as well as the reputation of The Strat casino and the LA Comedy Club if the evidence of prostitutes, drugs and domestic violence come to light? Look out, Butch! Winter is coming!

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BONUS SHOW – September 16, 2023

Patrick attempts a cold open for the ages, with a lot of remorse, emotion, passion and anger. What will you think of this super-original art piece? We check in on our favorite walrus Corey, who seems to be trying something new with YouTube yet again. Like his counterpart Josh Denny, he can't seem to stick to anything and therefore never gains any traction on social media. Now he's driving and eating on camera while offering almost no wit or entertainment. We also get a phone call from Sketti Tooth reporting about her recent experience at Chad Zumock's comedy shows in Dallas. It's everything you could ever want to hear in a Chad report!

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Members Only Show – September 15, 2023

We have so many loose ends to tie up, but Patrick has forgotten all his nautical knots! Will this thing ever be seaworthy or will we all end up entangled in waste? Join Patrick, his imaginary friend Ferdinand, and a cast of ghosts as we sing the hits on a special Member's Only Friday night fun-along!

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WATCH PARTY! Hell’s Coming For You – A Handicapped Hellscape!

Join Patrick and Tim Chizmar in the chat as we watch and do a real-time review of Hell's Coming For You, the hit independent feature film from fail-comic Dillion Dilligaf. A man in a wheelchair with a calm tone is a secret badass who goes on a killing spree against a bunch of contemporaries when he learns they're trying to take him out. Come laugh with Patrick and friends at this absurd movie. Take your edibles now. You're going to need them!

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SPA SHOW! Get Wet, Dwerbs! (September 1, 2023)

Splish splash, I was taking a bath
Long about a Saturday night, yeah
A rub dub, just relaxing in the tub
Thinking everything was alright

Well, I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me
And I opened the door, and then a
Splish, splash, I jumped back in the bath
Well, how was I to know there was a party going on?

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MEMBERS ONLY: NO POORS! Let’s Take This Up a Notch! 🤑💲💵💰

The week is over, but the drama has just begun! Let's kick it! Patrick takes heat for doing a spa show and has the sunburn to prove it! Chad Zumock does what he does best - STEAL! Chad gets $1K to do a pool show, and now this poor mofo has to find a pool! Make a sauna appointment! Kevin Brennan is losing his mind of other people's money and also has tons of comments about stuff he doesn't have right! Patrick has had enough of the hack challenges that anyone can do. Tonight it gets tooken to the next level. Patrick lays out the challenge.

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EMERGENCY: MLC Universe Rocked! Shuli’s YouTube STRUCK! Kevin Brennan Calls In! (August 31, 2023)

It's a tumultuous day in the whatever-verse. Let's go over it. Let's investigate. Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Can you believe it? We're doing it! Patrick talks about all the recent drama swirling in the MLC world, with Kevin Brennan and Bob Levy. The Misery Loves Company podcast is forever changed, but the current guests are not informed and the show is spiraling down a road of irrelevance and insanity. Can Kevin keep this up? He calls in to let us know who should take the L this week. Is Patrick a Shuli shill? What does he know that he isn't saying? Can anyone be trusted? Find out!

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GET WRECKED – A Late Night Discord Disaster Event (August 29, 2023)

Don't worry about it. Come hang. Let your fears go away. Join us on the NLO discord (link below) in the voice chat for a very public hang. We will be simulcasting on YouTube for the lurkers. Don't be afraid. Daddy doesn't bite. I'm daddy. Know what I mean, baby girl? We watch Stuttering John and KC Armstrong try to navigate the ins and outs of podcasting. Patrick loses internet access mid-broadcast and calls it a night.

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BONUS: Steel Toe’s INSANE Gloves Up Cope Fest! (August 27, 2023)

This isn't a show! Don't even start with me about it! I've had enough of your attitude, mister! Why don't you have some cheese with that whine! Go stuff your sorries in a sack! Everything zen? Everything zen! I don't think so! We take a walk down the Steel Toe road of delusion, where he gaslights his fans about the boxing challenge, the 10k race, and so much more. We also make our own attempt to cross the 10k line, but it look's like Patrick is destined to be trolled as well! What can you do! Oh, nothing!

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ATLANTIC CITY: Kevin Brennan, Ray DeVito, Skimask – MLC Weekend!

Kevin Brennan reluctantly joins Patrick for over two hours in his hotel room doing a podcast with Ray DeVito and Ski Mask! Will Ray be coherent? Is Ski Mask going to murder someone? Have you seen how many keys Kevin carries on his keyring? All of these questions and more answered in this pop-up version of a show in Atlantic City at the Borgata during the MLC podcast meetup!

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ATLANTIC CITY: Bob Levy Joins Patrick For MLC Weekend!

Join Patrick and Bob Levy live from the Borgata in Atlantic City! Who knows what could happen! Will Kevin Brennan be watching? Will he be mad? Will you? What is Ray doing right now? Don't you wish Chad was here. LOL we have fun! Get the full episode now on the Overdose and Overdose Lite level of membership on YouTube!

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Members Only Show – August 11, 2023

Come join Patrick and a cast of puppet characters as they act out the entire Wizard of Oz! You're going to love the way Dorothy sings the hits! Seriously grab a Starburst and sit grandma by the air conditioner because ish is about to get fire af tonight boi! No seriously though, who knows what could happen. Patrick has so much dirt he could build some sort of dirt business or something!

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Members Only Show – July 28, 2023

What a week, and what a world! Our favorite German clipmeister outs himself as a master of that which he hates. Ray DeVito has gone merch mad. And there's even more insane lurking behind the walls that we aim to peel back a bit tonight. Come join us in the chat and watch live. You never know what's going to happen on a Friday night in Onion town!

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