Keanu Thompson has spilled her tiny little beans about the atrocities of Aaron Imholte. It’s everything we already knew, but it’s good to see the slowest amongst us finally catching up! You want teasers? Aaron lied about paying Keanu and Geno, lied about communications, put words in people’s mouths, and most importantly he all but strangled his children’s shiny new forever mommy. The dirt is stacked high, and that means our best boy Aaron Imholte is going to be crawling with invisible fleas on his show today. Itching and bouncing away, watch the cascade of cope this show brings, from taking the high road to fabricating an entire new timeline and wading deeper in to the pool of victimhood. Mooby has his sites on a new ally and he will stop at nothing to make sure you hate anyone who has one bad word to say about the worst broadcaster in Minnesota.