August 5, 2024: Aaron Imholte CANNOT SHUTUP! A Storm Is Coming! NICK REKIETA Will Have REVENGE!

A new day, a new dawn! Let’s watch Aaron Imholte try to celebrate his husk of a show while he has impending court dates, one for his own violation of a restraining order by his first wife Ashley Larue, and one (probable) for snitching on his second wife and her current money-rod, Nick Rekieta. And the best part is that Aaron cannot shut his mouth and continues to downplay the restraining order, and making a mockery of the court while continuing to violate the same order! We go over some recently released documents and Patrick has the inside scoop on some charges coming for Aaron that could possibly add to the “pile of problems” upstairs. What a bad dad! And did we mention he’s accused of physically assaulting his wife? Wow, man…

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