June 24, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Can’t Get Over April Anderson! Did Mooby MAKE Mat Quit Podcasting?

Another week means another week of milking the drama and trickle of news out of the Rekieta household for sympathy and righteous indignation over at the Aaron Imholte homestead. Watch another morning of Johnny K-legs sighing through the same old cope and whine from his buddy Mooby as he laments the fact that his hotwife is gone for good. A midwestern man cannot let go of his emotional reaction to losing his woman, and we shall all watch as he wrecks his own life as a result. Mathew Poster is one of Aaron’s only cohosts left, and after making his quit his own Savage Thoughts podcast, has Mooby revealed his unintentional plan to keep a stable of beaten-down insecure nobodies to cosign his nonsense on a daily basis? NLO thinks so. Come speculate with us!

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