Patrick is back after weeks of not doing shows, and while he was a little under the weather, he isn’t going to use that as an excuse. The truth is, sometimes a man has to step away from the digital and get in touch with the material world. And sometimes a man has to cut a hole in his house to put in a doggy door. And sometimes a man has to blab in to a microphone while drinking scotch. On this show, Patrick catches listeners up on what he’s been up to as well as answers questions about tough accusations from other comedians. We talk about Roy Johnson, old friend and co-host of the show, and how he’s completely lost it when it comes to joking around. Finally, Patrick talks about Thai Rivera’s recent attacks on LA Comedy Club, agreeing with some points while discrediting others. Patrick recounts the Butch Bradley incident from years back. Facts are facts, People do what they do, and it’s weird to be mad at people who just tell the truth.