NLO Shows

NLO 314: In The Plane

George Carlin passed away, and everyone is going on and on about it. He is a comedy idol to Johnny, and Chef couldn’t care less. Patrick just doesn’t get it, and picks apart his comedy

NLO Shows

NLO 312: Serious Right Now

We’re back after our studio reconfiguration hiatus. We’ve got a special guest with us that we think you’re going to enjoy. He may not be the funniest guest we’ve ever had. He may not be

NLO Shows

NLO 311: Born To Farm

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you look around and all you see is people who aren’t like you? “One of these things is not like the other.” That’s what the inside

NLO Shows

NLO 310: Riding Bikes

Uh-oh, ladies! Rumor has it that one of the NLO boys is off the market. Far be it from me to spread rumors and point fingers, but it looks as if one of the guys

NLO Shows

NLO 309: Small Prizes

NLO is three years old, and that means we’re celebrating by bringing you mediocre comedy and a half-assed program. In this show, we talk more about NLO merchandise, answer some voicemails, and of course go

NLO Shows

NLO 308: Guy Gifts

So the marathon show was a hit, and it sure did take it’s toll on the crew. We raised money for our trip to Las Vegas, but Patrick is starting to have second thoughts on

NLO Shows

NLO 307: Comedy Cancer

How much will cock molds go for on eBay? Who will win the ultimate showdown between Kami and Chef? Why id there some group of idiots every 50 yards who insist on forming an improv

NLO Shows

NLO 306: Net Sassy

Patrick’s in a funk, and Johnny and Chef are there to cheer him up. That’s what friends are for, after all. In this show, we talk about crazy black people, recycling, and more. Patrick describes

NLO Shows

NLO 304: Wet Willies

Happy Friday, everyone. Here’s a show. We recorded it days ago, so I don’t even really remember what’s on it. I think we talk about some fried foods you can find at the fair, and

NLO Shows

NLO 303: Nobody Likes A Quitter

We’re joined in the studio by Deric and Bri of the super-failure of a podcast they used to run. I think it was called Eat Your Cake, or Dots and Stripes. Anyway, they’re super funny

NLO Shows

NLO 302: Cuddle Party

Fresh back from a week off and a week away, the guys talk about their trip to Mississippi, and the bad beats that ensued. We try to keep the poker talk to a minimum, and

NLO Shows

NLO 301: Jake and the Fat Man

This show covers a lot on the subject of kittas and doggas. Jake has some advice for Patrick on how to handle the trials that come along with women and cats. We also talk about

NLO Shows

NLO 300: Burning Bridges

It’s a pretty big night, right? Three hundred shows is a lot. I mean, when you think about it, that’s like 300 things you’ve downloaded and listened to from us. At least. I mean, if

NLO Shows

NLO 299: Crossing Swords

Top of the cornin’ to ya! This is a worldly show, where our fearless tour guide is none other than the Kernel himself. Avast ye maties! This is the only Irish/American/Australian corn pirate to sail

NLO Shows

NLO 298: Kid Touching

Sometime when you’re listening to the show, you have so much fun that you forget about the fact that you aren’t funny. You forget about the fact that you have about as much redeeming comedy

NLO Shows

NLO 297: Ladies Night

The guys get energized with a new drink sponsor, and they decide to give out t-shirts to all the lady callers. Of course, what would any women’s promotion be with some scamming bitch calling