NLO Shows

May 23, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Is Fooling The Dumbs! Why TWO BADS Don’t Make Steel Toe GOOD…

Aaron Imholte has found a way to make his show get half of the views it did a year ago – start trashing his wife and ex-partner April Anderson. Watch as the once-discreet radio man proceeds to spill all the dirt he can about his alleged druggie ex-wife and her proclivities for other men’s skin rods in her hair holes. But those are just rumors. Watch as the most easily-fooled smooth brains fall at Aaron’s feet, praising his recent honesty and renewed energy towards his program. People who cursed Aaron days ago are now becoming Toe Bros unironically, outing themselves as easily-distracted patrons of this podcasting cesspool. Why is everyone currently trying to bend reality to make Aaron a good guy? How can the display of basic parenting decisions make people forget about the core narcissist that is at the center of the human goo we call Aaron Imholte?

NLO Shows

APRIL IMHOLTE & NICK REKIETA ARRESTED! Also Nick’s GHOULISH Wife! Drugs! Guns! Children! Oh, My!

BREAKING: Nick Rekieta and April Imholte aka April Anderson have been arrested in Minnesota with narcotics and guns and children! Lives are on the line! It’s an MLC for the ages! Hey Tio! MLC is good again! Kevin Brennan is in a spiral after his handler and tech boy Adam fled from the program a couple months ago. Dipping deeper and deeper into dementia daily, Kevin struggles to hit his own former numbers and is now being dominated by streamers like Tookie Soup, Tuesday’s at 9pm ET on the BeDabbler network. Chad Zumock sits in a corner and bounces and yells while Mooby regales KB with tales of his once-adored wife, who has now become a footnote of a cohost and the butt of almost every joke on the current edition of Steel Toe. Watch as a man with nothing pretends to have it all, an old man with no knowledge or the situation at all fails to ask any good questions while diddling away on his phone, and a short Cleveland middle loses steam and decides halfway through the show that he’s just happy to be here. Also, Melton sucks, right?

NLO Shows

May 21, 2024: Did NICK REKIETA Spoil APRIL ANDERSON? Steel Toe’s AARON IMHOLTE Shared His Wife?!

The fascinating story of a Minnesota wanna-be radio man who keeps torching his life over and over again marches forward. Watch as a weak man with an even weaker constitution continues to spew details about his crumbling life, from the wife he let become consumed by narcotics and be passed around like a finger trap for the pleasure of a friend. Watch as a man struggles for relevance and identity in a world he’s not sure he belongs in. What is Aaron Imholte? Is he a hard-edged radio god that pulls no punches when it comes to dealing with hate? Is he a family man that does the right thing when faced with hard moral questions? Is he a single ladies man who can’t be tamed? No. He’s a lost man approaching forty who has yet to learn basic life lessons and find a personality that works for him.

NLO Shows

TUESDAY BONUS: Chad Zumock Calls For HELP On Stage! MLC TANKS Live! Imholte Madness w/ Nick Rekieta!

Nick Rekeita is being accused of having some heavy involvement in the breakup and ruining of one April Anderson, formally April Imholte of the Steel Toe Morning Show. A dumb factory worker, abducted by a weak-minded selfish mad and forced to try to do something she had no business doing – radio. Did a steady supply of better bones and nose candy have anything to do with the ultimate downfall of Aaron Imholte? Did Ashley Larue demand that a drug-fueled April couldn’t be around her children? And where did the VIP packages go? We may never know!

NLO Shows

May 20, 2024: Can AARON IMHOLTE Make His Divorce Worse? Scampoli Allergies Manifested!

Good morning! It’s Monday and that means we’ve got an entire new week of exciting single cope from Aaron Imholte. Watch as he carts in his favorite cripple to regale with stories that are sure to make April Anderson feel less-than, and will surely make his children cringe one day. Patrick has some announcements about Hackamania for those who can’t make it out to Vegas next week. Plus Patrick finally find out what a Kevin Scampoli is, and he gets lots of warnings from listeners about what a whack-job the guy is. Patrick is not concerned with the mental illness of strongmen. Seems like a him problem.

NLO Shows

May 14, 2024: Aaron Imholte & April Anderson SPLIT! Did AARON IMHOLTE Expose His Children to DRUGS?!

Aaron Imholte has ruined April Anderson, the simple Minnesota farm girl he plucked from a factory while cheating on his pregnant wife. And now that April’s prime years have been sucked away, and her innocence and self-esteem have been pummeled by the internet and her once-loving husband. Did drugs and copious amounts of dangerous unprotected sex with swingers cause April to run for the hills? Only time will tell, as Mooby lets his resentment fester and leak out through his narcissistic holes. The beginning of the end has been sweet so far, but Mooby’s pride and narcissism are just ramping up and it won’t be long until he starts trashing his former blonde princess.

NLO Shows

May 10, 2024: Steel Toe Morning Show Lives In GASLIGHT CITY! PO Box Friday and More Fun!

It’s Friday and it’s been another banger of a week in the Steel Toe universe. Watching Aaron Imholte slowly come to terms with his life partner rejecting his savior-syndrome insanity. April Imholte is wandering the streets with a resume featuring nothing but some valve-painting experience and a giant gap of employment. Perhaps the rehab completion certificate will garner her some sympathy. Jesse PS is apparently very upset at Patrick and trying to inflict some kind of wrath by manufacturing some version of the truth that works for him. Mersh removes a show from Rumble after an embarrassing night of streaming and proclamations about designing some long-game masterplan to teach Aaron a lesson, when is reality it was nothing but an emotional response to Podawful clowning one of his main allies.

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Members Only: Minnesota Racist Radio Host APRIL ANDERSON Wants A New Life!

Aaron Imhote has tossed April Imholte to the wolves, letting her start her life over and reclaim her once-promising future in the stark Minnesota landscape. April Anderson is out looking for work, wondering where the next chapter of her life will take her. But will the habits and hauntings of the past make things difficulte for her to forge ahead? You decide.

NLO Shows

May 17, 2024: Imholte Divorce Documents! The STEEL TOE Collapse Continues!

Somewhere in Minnesota, April Imholte is waking up from a bad dream. A bad dream that has lasted nearly four years, and cost her some of the best prime time she has on this earth. Aaron is dancing around celebrating his newfound single status as low-key as he can until the ink is dry on the divorce papers. What’s next for Aaron and April? Patrick has some court documents that could help shed some light on the future, and we’d love your theories on the downfall of Minesota’s most hated radio duo. Is April Anderson in rehab for drug addiction? Did Aaron Imholte sit idly by while another man ruined his attempt at a second family? What can we learn from all of this? Happy Friday, nerds!

NLO Shows

May 13, 2024: Aaron Imholte ANNOUNCES DIVORCE?! Silly Corncob Jesse “Kid” Ever ATTACKS!

The melting mountain meh-scape of Minnesota insulates Aaron Imholte and his untalented slag wife from facts and information, and it shows on the latest iterations of the Steel Toe Morning Show. Aaron Imholte is throwing daily tantrums and cascades of cope about Patrick and the rest of his detractors now, obsessing over Melton and Hackamania and other stuff he wishes he could be involved in. Aaron feels lost without his woman and his mentor Mersh to guide his show. Watch as he continues to tell you how well he is doing, and how he’s miles ahead of any perceived competition. Patrick received a message from a comedian that is very charged and threatening, and maybe we should look in to this internet tough man and draw some conclusions!

NLO Shows

KRUTCHES KRUMBLES! Steel Toe Sidekick CRIES & COLLAPESES. On Air After Criticism! (Part One)

INT. BASEMENT – MORNING. The Steel Toe Morning Show starring Aaron Imholte and his sideshow freaks has been on air for 28 minutes and something goes horribly wrong. Come watch a man with MS crumble to the ground before our very eyes. Someone remind me – does MS stand for MUCH SENSITIVE? Nobody ever thought Johnny had talent, a personality, or even a voice for the radio, but we have always left the little crutch critter alone. Out of the darkness steps the most unlikely hero in Mersh, who fires a shot across the crippled bow of Krunchman that lands with such precision that it shall be talked about henceforth! Behold as the second cohost in as many months runs from the broadcast in tears, only to return and do it again TWO MORE TIMES before Mooby waves the white flag, declares the internet a bunch of meanies, and loses another wrestling match with his conscious over which of his stupid friends to side with. One thing is becoming very clear – Mooby better learn to fly solo!

NLO Shows


INT. BASEMENT – MORNING. The Steel Toe Morning Show starring Aaron Imholte and his sideshow freaks has been on air for 28 minutes and something goes horribly wrong. Come watch a man with MS crumble to the ground before our very eyes. Someone remind me – does MS stand for MUCH SENSITIVE? Nobody ever thought Johnny had talent, a personality, or even a voice for the radio, but we have always left the little crutch critter alone. Out of the darkness steps the most unlikely hero in Mersh, who fires a shot across the crippled bow of Krunchman that lands with such precision that it shall be talked about henceforth! Behold as the second cohost in as many months runs from the broadcast in tears, only to return and do it again TWO MORE TIMES before Mooby waves the white flag, declares the internet a bunch of meanies, and loses another wrestling match with his conscious over which of his stupid friends to side with. One thing is becoming very clear – Mooby better learn to fly solo!

NLO Shows

May 7, 2024: Steel Toe Morning Show GETS WORSE! The BIGGEST Ladies We Know! TRAINING TUESDAY!

We’d be ignoring our civic duty if we didn’t bring your daily dose of Aaron Imholte coping about his missing wife April Imholte, and losing his mind over his haters and the goal. How long will this guy continue to spaz out at the very people that support him and his insane fantasy to be behind a microphone for a living. Glitter and Lasers heads out on the water to see if she can float. What happens when a fat girl at sea can’t fit in to the bathroom? I know a bunch of fish and sea turtles that don’t want to find out. The chat determines what kind of fat is acceptable and we coin a new term, “normal fat.” We take Training Tuesday back to where it started with a visit to America’s most dangerous breakfast spot, Waffle House.

NLO Shows

May 6, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Is MAX Lazy! MERSH Madness! Is SUMMER SINCLAIR a Fake Reality Star?!

Another week and another round of half-hearted attempts at improving a crumbling program. Aaron Imholte is at a loss without his lady and he’s winning so much, and his show is growing so well that he is changing things left and right. Patrick always says nothing is funnier than when a lolcow actually tries to do something, and last nights Members Only program from the Steel Toe whatever show minus April Imholte. Mersh has a new clipper that expertly captured a recent meltdown from the poor Florida streamer. Is Summer Sinclair trying to get fame or just a few dollars from her recent appearance in a couple of fake reality viral videos. Who makes this kind of crap content and how did they find Summer?

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Patrick is here on a Friday night to continue watching the appearance of Jesse PS from PodAwful as he attempts to navigate the muddy waters of St.Cloud Minnesota. Jesse mostly plays with Aaron, trolling him with confusing narratives about Opie and Anthony and his missing wife. Aside from hammering Aaron with the same truth bombs that the rest of the internet has been screaming at the weak-chinned non-man for over a year. Let’s watch a troll mess with a man who thinks he is beyond trolling and see what happens.

NLO Shows

May 2, 2023: Bob Levy Is Lonely? KB Gets Older? Steel Toe WINE SHOW! Aaron Imholte LOVES Patrick?

Join Patrick for a late night catch up show, where Patrick apologizes for his inconsistent schedule due to a lot of the logistical stuff going on with Hackamania. Is Bob Levy on the outs with the Shuli network? Is this just another work to fool Kevin Brennan in to showing his spiteful nature? Is BOB solo now or is he looking for new partners? Kevin Brennan gets another year older, but his cold sore is still under two months young. Aaron Imholte is definitely coping witha new single life, and fantasizes about teaming up with Patrick for shows and even absconding to Las Vegas to Hackamania. Will Mooby have the balls to show?

NLO Shows

April 30, 2024: What’s Happened To MLC? FELICIA is FINE as FUNK! APRIL IMHOLTE Needs A Job!

Patrick is recovering from a headache that could choke a donkey. That doesn’t mean anything. Don’t overthink it. Let’s check out the latest version of MLC and try to figure out what this show has become. It’s the last day of April and we need to make our nut. There’s four squares left on the wall and daddy needs to hit the goal! Stuttering John and Kate Meaney are on a fantasy world where Patrick is about to get arrested for some imagined crime at any moment. John is wasted and has seems to have pink eye from wiping with his hands before snacking. We check out the imagined new jobs for April Imholte aka April Anderson now that she’s out of the Steel Toe business.