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Steel Toe Watch Show – March 22, 2023

It's COREY ADAM DAY and we can't wait to see if America's favorite cohost can be compromised again, or if the show will be back to nodding and mumbling through yesterdays news. Bad news - Corey decided to give half of the money fans donated to his eggy boss Mooby, as some sort of weird bow/apology to his radio daddy. Also, Corey is so inspired by all his latest fanfare and offers for work that he's announced he's quitting Steel Toe Morning Show to start his own stream. Good luck, Corey. Best of luck as the new MLC co-host!

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MEMBERS ONLY SHOW – March 17, 2023

It's Friday and Patrick would love to have your babies! Patrick is spending the day catching up with posting audio versions and other exclusives for Overdose subscribers, as well as catching up on sleep. But you can join in tonight as he catches you up on the latest gossip and hardcore drama in the YouTube and Dabbler community, as well as the latest lie from Aaron Imholte from the Steel Toe Morning Show garbage fire. The weekend will allow Moody & The Scrimp try to drink themselves in to a stupor so they can put on another week of cope shows. Is Chad Zumock starting to turn on Patrick? People say it's in the air. We watch Stevie Lew bomb it up!

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Steel Toe Watch Show – March 16, 2023

I've already done six hours tonight, why not keep the FUN going, baby! We watch one of the most lie-packed show ever, and get re-streamed by Cardiff, Corndiff, BDabbler and more! What will today's final scrimp count be? Only time will tell! Watch as Aaron Imholte and the Steel Toe Morning Show spin further in to a pit of cope and lies that they most certainly will not be able to overcome. Mooby seems to be the most easily-fooled dope on YouTube, falling for fake accounts and absolutely tanking his program to keep addressing the chat and Patrick. At the end of the day, Mooby and The Scrimp make up some new nicknames for Patrick

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Steel Toe Watch Show – March 14, 2023

I've already done six hours tonight, why not keep the FUN going, baby! We watch one of the most lie-packed show ever, and get re-streamed by Cardiff, Corndiff, BDabbler and more! What will today's final scrimp count be? Only time will tell! Watch as Aaron Imholte and the Steel Toe Morning Show spin further in to a pit of cope and lies that they most certainly will not be able to overcome. Mooby seems to be the most easily-fooled dope on YouTube, falling for fake accounts and absolutely tanking his program to keep addressing the chat and Patrick. At the end of the day, Mooby and The Scrimp make up some new nicknames for Patrick

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BREAKING: Chad Zumock Attacked

BREAKING: Chad Zumock attacked outside his home in Tampa Florida. Who is responsible for this horrible attack? Chad looks like lunch meat and Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show is glowing while talking about it. Suspicious? Is Chad faking this whole thing? Is Aaron a little too smarmy and cocky about this incident? Does Patrick have some exclusive information that could crack this case wide open? You're darn tootin'! Chad Zumock calls in to give us the scoop and we pull back the curtains on all the Aaron Imholte lies. NLO investigates!

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Steel Toe Watch Show – March 13, 2023

Somebody has a case of the Mondays! Let's turn that frown upside down by collectively watching and freely chatting about the least self-aware show on the internet, the Steel Toe Morning Show! Whether it's Aaron in his bras, Johnny Krunches wincing every time Aaron begs for money, or fragile April upstairs on her pink Dell laptop furiously banning people in her own chat room for having the wrong kind of fun, it's sure to be what's known in the business as a hoot!

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BONUS: Investigation Yields New Info

It's Friday night and if one more mf'er runs they mouth the more likely they are for Patrick to probably just make a joke about your shirt or zoom in on your appendages. Don't worry about it! Iteresting news to talk about plus we will start with a WIDE OPEN chat for all the spaz's out there who need to get some shots in! Come let Patrick be your therapy bear! The preliminary results are back from the private investigator reporting to Patrick, and the results are going to make for a very interesting week. Patrick would like to talk to a certain party involved in this incident before he releases his finding. And that party knows who they are. Get in touch, won't you?

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BONUS – April Showers After Hours

Chad Zumock's attack has launched an internet fury that hasn't been seen since the days of the Alamo. Who attacked Chad? Who sent them? Was it the mealy-mouthed morning show host with a flush wallet and a will to silence? Was it a biker bar owner with a need to salvage a reputation? Or was it a millionaire head of a fledgling network that has had enough of Chad's repetitive insults and accurate decimations of a legend's fading relevance? We WILL find out. Join us. We are going ALL NIGHT LONG.

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Steel Toe Shine Box Volume 7

Aaron Imholte is a small town boy who wanted to be a radio man like his heroes of yesteryear, but the excitable little boy that he is couldn't focus on the more important things in life like family and children. A few years in to his career, he became blinded by the bright lights of St. Cloud, or at the very least by the reflection from his rapidly enlarging forehead. When the simpleton decides to bring his shiny new woods wife on the air with him, the inevitable happens and the internet turns on him for constant begging for money and trying to pull several scams on his most loyal fans. April Imholte is beginning to show cracks, constantly making emotional outbursts and self-soothing by rubbing her arms and fixing her shirt during her husbands unhinged rants about minorities, women or his opponents.

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Bonus Stuff

BONUS: Chad Wins Against Steel Toe!?

Steel Toe Morning Show's host Aaron Imholte along with shiny new wife April Imholte are iacting weird. For six months, he intimidated, challenged, baited, taunted and ridiculed comedian Chad Zumock about his physical appearance, sense of humor, podcasting chops, relationships and family issues, personal issues and much more. And as Chad tried fighting back relentlessly, he began to chink away at Aaron's armor, discovering a weakness in the radio-man's apparent thick skin. As Chad began taunting Aaron about his past fidelity with his expectant wife, his relationship with his children, his parents, and April's role in those relationships, Aaron and April have waived the white flag and stepped out of the ring.

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Aftershow 1459: Zumock Unhinged!

The ordeal between Steel Toe Morning Show and comedian Chad Zumock continue. We listen to Steel Toe's Aaron Imholte try to make his case more and more that Chad is an unhinged and broken danger to himself. And with some of Chad's most recent videos, we can't say that it's hard to agree. Patrick is a little taken aback by how graphic and far Chad goes with some of his rhetoric and insults when it comes to Aaron. Perhaps the comments about April are even more distasteful, if far funnier. Listen as Patrick sets Chad's amazing rants to some banging beats for the hip hop sensation of the summer. Who will win this epic battle of comedic wits? it's too early to tell!

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