NLO Shows

January 29, 2024: MEEK MEN MONDAY! Kevin Brenna CAN’T STOP LYING About How Well He’s Doing!

It’s the start of another week, and this one will see us through to the beginning of February and usher in a new era of excitement as Kevin Brennan’s Atlantic City meetup. Kevin Brennan screamed again about his numbers, proclaiming he will send them to anyone who asks, only to backtrack immediately and begin issuing challenges and excuses for his lack of follow-through. Steel Toe Morning Show is off to a whimper of a start this week, as both Johnny and April stand Aaron up, and the professional broadcaster resorts to sheepishly reading the chat room and faking his way through another morning of an excuse for entertainment. You decide whether or not the talent is genuine or if this pretend radio man is nearing the end of his make-believe career.

NLO Shows

January 26, 2024: STEEL TOE Struggle Show! DONKEYLIPS Goes Mobile! CRAZY JOE Is Killing It!

Happy Friday! We’ve got an extremely awkward moment from Minnesota’s favorite failed radio duo, Aaron and April Imholte. What’s going on with the couple? After opining about a renewed career in terrestrial radio and seeing their support dry up before their very eyes, what’s next for the distraught darlings of the radio dial as they hurl toward poverty? Micheal Ray Bower has figurered out how his legs work and wants you to come on a walk with him. Our old friend Crazy Joe is becoming slowly awakened to the new presence of the onions in is life again, and it’s not going to go well for the cranky old senior citizen.

NLO Shows

January 12, 2024: Steel Toe Fib-Fest! Catching Up With The UNHINGED! P.O. Box Surprises!

Happy Friday to you, wherever and whenever you may be. Yes, whenever. We don’t discriminate against time-travelers here. Michael Ray Bower is just about ready to launch his podcast, and it’s nothing like anything he’s described before. Is this really it? Heather Gillespie is still outside in Chicago fighting injustice and working hard to make sure she has a warm and dry place to squirt her baby out in a few weeks. Crazy Joe has become aware of the onions again, and he isn’t happy about all the attention. We do a quick peek in the P.O. Box to find a package from Flatcar Jessica and more.

NLO Shows

January 9, 2024: MERSH Says Don’t Worry! Bower Wants His LIFE Back! Aaron Imholte HATES Mornings!

Patrick’s here on a Tuesday to stock your stuffings with goofy goo! Hit the like button, you mortals! Sexual pest Corey Adam can’t stop coping on multiple podcasts about his status in both the comedy community and on the internet. Mersh doesn’t like the internet talking about him almost passing out on his stream. But it’s happening more and more, and how could you not be concerned for the Floridian fat man’s constant mini strokes? Michael Ray Bower has some new complaints and excuses about why he hasn’t been walking and or talking. Steel Toe Morning Show is still trying to pretend like they’re a popular growing show, while it’s more than evident that April ha most likely gone back to the work force.

NLO Shows

January 8, 2024: BIG MONDAY! Corey Adam Reality Check! WORST Enchiladas Ever! Get MERSH A Cot!

Can you believe it’s 2024 and we are still watching Mersh experiment with weed and try not to pass out in a room full of cats where he will most surely be eaten clean to the bone within hours? Me neither! Today we are going to learn how to make the most revolting Mexican dish that you’ve never wondered about, with our planet-sized instructor Rayne. Will you have an appetite by the time the are ready? Steel Toe Morning Show’s Aaron Imholte has never been popular in his home town, and some old Facebook comments can prove it. Former Steel Toe second-mic and wannabe comedian Corey Adam has a nervous breakdown live when confronted with his own reality by a fan over the phone.

NLO Shows

January 5, 2024: Kevin Brennan SCARED? Chad Zumock LOOPS Ogain!

Kevin Brennan is full wackadoo and it’s funnier than ever! Chad Zumock tries a new time slot and runs away from his own shadow. Watch as the once-bold mudshark folds and runs away in seconds. Kate Meaney asks the internet if she should do a podcast, confirming that she is deeper in her own delusion than the last man to sprinkle seed deep inside her colon. Steel Toe is doing their Rumble Friday best to get you excited about what’s coming up on the show today. Watch the life drain out of April before your very eyes as Mooby regales her with movie quotes and act outs that seem to make her physically ill. Why are these guys so confused about what is? Let’s try to get to the bottom of things!

NLO Shows

December 22, 2023: Did Chad PRANK Patrick? Kate Meaney Shows Off! Ray Loses ANOTHER Dad!

Kevin Brennan has kicked Ray to the curb, after making him quit the Shuli Network and his own stream out of loyalty. Will Ray ever realize the toxic push and pull of Kevin is wreaking havoc on his joints! Chad Zumock panics like a fool again when Patrick reveals another traitor in his midst. Get the full behind-the-scenes breakdown of events on today’s show. Kate Meaney keeps on doing podcasts, and may even be launching her own project very soon. Don’t believe it? Hear it from her own mouth as she sits down with Ray for a dull-off the likes of which you’ve never seen! Hit the like button and wish yourself a merry little Christmas!

NLO Shows

December 21, 2023: STEEL TOE SWINGING! Ray & Kate Demo Their Talent! Kevin Brennan The Hypocrite!

We’re wrapping up the week, but it doesn’t feel like the week is done with us. Kevin Brennan seems to be upset with the idiots he’s surrounded himself with, but he can’t stop protecting his farm of fools and lashing out at rational people, making him look insane in the process. Aaron and April Imholte are almost certainly swingers, and Patrick has some compelling thoughts on how their arrangement must work. Ray Devito has no idea what his podcast even is, and just to prove it he booked Kate Meaney to come on. Watch as both Ray and Kate try to figure out why Kate is even making appearances, and stroll down a basic bitch back-alley of memberberries. Hope you like NOTHING and heaps of it!

NLO Shows

December 19, 2023: Helping The OLD! Corey Feldman’s New Funko! Redneck Recipes & More!

It’s Tuesday, and it’s been so long since the audience of this show has been trained properly. Today we learn how to give some well-earned service to the most elderly amongst us. Chad Zumock is spiraling and Atlantic City will be great. We’ve got some new characters to check out, and those characters want to share some culinary knowledge. Hope you like tater tots and beans! Corey Feldman has some new toys he wants to show off, and he dressed all weird and brought his creep energy to the party to tell you about it. Joey C plans his domination of the AM radio market.

NLO Shows

December 18, 2023: NOBODY Likes CHAD ZUMOCK! DonkeyLips Can’t Walk! Steel Toe Numbers Are DOWN!

Patrick’s schedule is ALL WONKY for the next week or so, and you’ll just have to deal with it. The internet is a fickle mistress, and her shows are not relegated to your temporal bounding boxes, human. The Lou and KY morning show is the shining beacon of the Joey C universe. Lou looks like his teeth got in a fight and had to be seperated. Did we mention he’s dumber than potting soil? Patrick revisits Haley Sacks, a guest from NYC who had a showing so bad, she couldn’t even bear to be in the same room with Patrick ever again. Steel Toe suffers another insane defeat at the offering plate, and April comes down to give Aaron a sloppy consolation kiss before heading off to her night shift at Arby’s. Save some horsey sauce for us, Ape!

NLO Shows

December 12, 2023: STEEL TOE Gets WORSE? Catalano TV Collapses, Kate Meaney is a WRECK!

Steel Toe as hosted by Aaron Imholte and his worthless spouse is unbearable, but have you heard Steel Toe helmed by Johnny Crutches? It’s worse than you could ever fathom. We explore The recent gallivanting by the Immolates in Vegas and what that time away has done to their precious show. Kate Meaney has found her medication and a sliver of confidence after bitching, trying to strike, crying, whining, deleting, hiding and more. It’s both humorous and sad to watch a young girl WRECK her social value over and over and over. TommyNC2010 has a movie review for the new Godzilla movie, but don’t get your hopes up for a poster. Joey C and his wife are busy debunking all the latest rumors about their trouble with the law. Joey C proves he doesn’t have an ankle bracelet, but Patrick has an update about his status with the law.

NLO Shows

December 9, 2023: MERSH Ain’t Fat! Kate Meaney Embarrasses Herself More! Saturday Vibes!

The rich come out on a Saturday to pick squares and embrace possibilities. The Imholte’s are in Las Vegas and the rumors are trickling in. Patrick has a challenge to issue to Aaron and April, but they’re too busy running around Las Vegas like rubes, dazzled by all the lights and free drinks. Kate Meaney has another video where she’s singing to all of us with he childish angelic voice. Watch as she stands on a table in her rich mom’s home and sings in to a gold club. Patrick’s in the mood for Mersh, and we watch some of this donkey’s latest clips. Mersh is going on a trip and wants everyone to know about his catsitter and the new automatic feeder he splurged on for his cat family. Mersh is also sick of people saying he can’t get laid, and he also doesn’t like Patrick calling him fat, no matter how much it’s the truth.

NLO Shows

November 16, 2023 – R-TARD THURSDAY! Steel Toe DELUSION Peaks! Old Man Brennan! CRINGE Rap Group!

Patrick’s show rundown sheet overfloweth with many much more mopes to make mirth about! Sorry about that, but it’s hard to write a description for a show that hasn’t happened yet! Steel Toe is in dire straits, and they are putting out the early feelers to get their favorite benefactor Captain Chandler to send in piles of cash. Will he oblige them? Josh Denny is bigger than ever and has never had more podcast experience, but he still has no idea what he’s doing. Kevin Brennan has become too easy to impress in his old age and Patrick has some thoughts about it. There’s a new rap group sweeping the northeast and you’re going to want to grab your earplugs about it, fam. We out here on these streets!

NLO Shows

November 14, 2023 – Chad’s STALE Standup! Are APRIL IMHOLTE’S Bags Packed? Get K-Mart Ready!

Patrick has some theories and what a better place to air them out than the daily Nobody Likes Onions podcast live stream comedy program! April Imholte’s anxiety is through the roof, and winter is coming! Will this woods woman be able to weather the depression of another Minnesota locked up with her scrawny stick husband playing radio in the basement? Is she bailing on more and more shows lately because of her fragile ego? Plus – we go over Chad’s standup comedy set from this past weekend in Ohio, and find out he still hasn’t written one new joke. The cope from Chad about losing a roast battle to Ray DeVito continues. It’s Training Tuesday, and we’ve got the tools you need to be K-Mart ready!

NLO Shows

November 6, 2023 – OPEN WIDE! Stand Up, Sit Down, Wiggle In Your Seat! Sniping and Wiping!

Patrick has a headache this morning, but that’s not going to stop him from firing up the chat box and screaming at his Internet children! Let’s explore some of the best stand up comedians taking to the stage today. Alex Stein is getting TOO outrageous for his own good. Steel Toe has some more advice for all the shows chasing his coattails. We’ve got a new lady to watch and this one could be the easiest yet – because she’s so big you can see her from space…because she is very, very fat. Get it? We learn way more about the fat way of life than most are comfortable with. Maybe finish your meal before you get to the second half of this show, or we can’t promise you’ll be able to “wipe” your memory clean, even if you can reach.

NLO Shows

October 31, 2023 – SCARY AF: Aaron Imholte STANDUP! More PRIZE Nonsense! Get A Job, Get The Girl!

Happy Halloween! Boo! Spooky scary stuff is in our midst, on our minds, and maybe more! We check in on the latest iteration of the Steel Toe Morning Show “prize night” grift to see how they’re doing. Is this set of Minnesota mini-minds still raking in the dough from their sleepy fans? It’s Training Tuesday, an it’s time you became a FORD man! If you can land this position, you just may land that lady you’ve been so keen about! And FINALLY, the piece you’ve all been waiting for – Aaron Imholte’s unreleased standup set from his big Chrissy Mayr event. How bad of a standup is Aaron? How much confidence does he have on stage in front of an audience people who aren’t there for him? Let’s find out! Trick or treat, biznatches!

NLO Shows

October 23, 2023 – Brennan Can’t Focus, Fan FREAKOUT, Gillespie Q&A, Steel Toe’s Latest Event

Good Mooby Monday, my little porcelain pirates! Drop your kids off at the pool and grab some coffee and some fuel! It’s NLO for your big phat phanny! Patrick is probably going to get a Lexus but it feels too fancy. Brad is scared of the bathtub. Kevin Brennan can’t seem to get anything right, and Patrick isn’t ashamed at all. We’ve got another instance of a fan losing their bananas. Heather Gillespie did a live Q&A and it’s weirder than normal. We’ve got a new woman to creep on, so get out your trenchcoat and prepare your sausages!

NLO Shows

October 16, 2023 – BON DIA! Comedy Shaman is LOOSE! Summer Was BORN To Sing! Another Missed Goal!

Happy Monday, fellow nerds! Patrick covered a podcast by the Comedy Shaman aka Put Down The Pork Pete aka Clay Combing Through Career Options and it did not sit well with the man. While Comedy Shaman has been a polarizing member of the community, it’s important to realize that once you try to be a guy, you are opened up to a world of criticism and unsolicited feedback. Summer Sinclair has the same problem with recognizing and calibrating her own level of talent. And Steel Toe? Don’t worry about Steel Toe – they are still missing goals and tell you that they don’t, all while begging you to help them help you help them have a show.