NLO Shows

BONUS: THEFT On The Vegas Comedy Scene!?

Come along and ride on my fantastic voyage! Make money for you and your family from the comfort of your own basement! Operators are standing by to take your livelihood! Call from a landline for best results! No dogs allowed! Our old crippled comic friend Thai Rivera has dropped a new video claiming his old partner and friend AJ Rivera has been stealing money from him. With no friends, no money, and no prospects, where will Thai go next? The latest edition of the Ocha Bar Open Mic melts down in to complete dysfunction live before our eyes. Thai harasses and performs what seems to be light inappropriate behavior on a first-time young comedian.

Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1414: Alice Hamilton Sucks

Patrick has come across one of the greatest pieces of woke comedy gold. A comedienne by the name of Alice Hamilton has pulled out all the stops to post a "special" that is weird in so many ways. What seems to be nothing more than an attack on male comedians who may or may not have some questionable sexual skeletons in their closet slowly turns in to nothing more than a whine festival littered with jealousy. It's clear that, while she can't be bothered to memorize her material or even write solid jokes, Alice is bitter and angry about the success of certain male comedians, and attacking them for everything from their personal appearance to their continued success is how this woman decides to cope.

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