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Ask Me Everything – April 4, 2023

Need someone to break up with your significant other? Can Patrick work something out between you and your boss, or a parent? Need advice on how to repair something in your house? Have a barbecue problem? Want to know what's wrong with you? Patrick can help! While answering we explore Tim Heidecker, Patrick's old standup videos from his super-fat days, Simply Sara, Adam Dominguez and more. We also uncover the Kyle Majestic archive and the world may never be the same.

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NLO Shows

NLO 1454: Kitty Can’t Cope

Despite Patrick ignoring Kitty’s repeated DMs, and not even mentioning her in almost two weeks, he can’t help himself by posting continual content desperately trying to convince everyone that he’s ok and not bothered at all by the recent revelations of his truth. Sound familiar? Wait until you see what Kitty David Kawika reveals in this show! It’s abuse on a whole new level! The depresh is real and you need to knock it off. Patrick smoked a turkey like a king. Thai Rivera is posting some insane new stuff as well. The Las Vegas comedy scene has more delusions leaking from every squirrelly bar hosting a comedy night. Adam Dominguez promises you quality merch, and that’s how Patrick instantly knew it wasn’t. The Wayans brothers have a new scam

NLO Shows

NLO 1440: Is Comedy Broken?

Patrick is in a mood as the show kicks off and he has frustrating issues with his Mac and iPad. Patrick talks about the return of PM in the AM which will exclusively be available on RokFin and the Overdose. There’s never been more options for content creators to lose money on! Comedy is changing, and comedy in Las Vegas is a weird creature on its own. Patrick rants about comedians who constantly headline bar shows over and over and over and continue to advertise them like it’s special every week. Patrick rubs weed dust in his eyes and has to scream for seven minutes about it. The Paprika Show is one of the most revealing and sad productions on the Las Vegas comedy scene. We listen to an ex-UFC fighter and a hairdresser talk about nothing.

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BONUS – Vegas Comedy Specials, Ahoy!

We are holding Laugh After Dark accountable to the standard of other Las Vegas comedy specials. Adam Dominguez. Skillz Hudson. The comedy cube is on fire! We check them all out. Patrick tells the story about getting drunk with Todd Glass in Tampa years ago. We fire up Amazon Prime and purchase Diaz Mackie's special to see what standards are being set in Vegas comedy. It seems like our old pal Trouble aka Artemio Rios aka Gutter Breath aka Coke Throat has produced and put together a night like no other for the taping of this release. But has the special caused a riff between Trouble and Diaz? How did Diaz do? How does it look and sound? Did they pay to play copyrighted music in this thing?

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The KRINGE of Las Vegas

OOO GRRL! So many juice boxes to sip in this show! Thai Rivera's world is collapsing around him. His less-experienced partner has backed out of his new residency show (wise choice), his financing is in jeopardy, he is rethinking the whole show concept and searching for new variety performers, and he admits it's stressful and not ideal. Oh, also, he wants you to buy tickets for this poorly-executed garbage fire. The show has learned that the venueWe call the Thunderbird Hotel and Casino, and nobody seems to even know about Thai's show, how to buy tickets, or that it's even happening in a week. A woman at Chanclas Cantina thinks Patrick is Thai on the phone! We find out that Thai is still trying to get comics in trouble behind the scenes.

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NLO 1355: Remembering Joe

It's been years since anyone has really thought about Crazy Joe, so some people may not really be familiar with this mad man. Crazy Joe is a wannabe radio personality in the Hudson Valley just north of NYC. He's been trying to get his radio show/podcast going for about 6 years, but keeps running in to technical problems. He also keeps fighting against anyone who ever tries to help him because of his degraded mental capacity.

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NLO Shows

NLO 1339: Thai Buffet

When will the onslaught of Thai content cease? I don’t see an end to it any time soon, as long as he keeps cranking out gay gold. Patrick is back after a problem being DDOS attacked the day before and not being able to stream. Some people do not want the hard truths exposed. Patrick explains why having a mental breakdown is good, and probably normal. Patrick wants to see your Screen Time, Las Vegas comedy #SECRETS and more.