NLO Shows

NLO CLASSIC – Al Coholic

A classic episode of NLO featuring Patrick and fan-favorite Al Jackson. Al Jackson is back and the vodka is flowing again in the studio. We relive the last show where Patrick and Al got drunk

NLO Shows

NLO 1175: Country Thick

Back in Los Angeles, Patrick sits down with NLO favorite Al Jackson to catch up. On this show, Patrick talks to Al about his recent trips over to Europe and Asia to perform for the

NLO Shows

NLO 1058: Waxing Disgusting

The studio is packed with comics, including Al Jackson, Forrest Shaw, and Cornell Reid. We are focusing on hating people for the content of their character. Forrest tells us all about his earwax issues, and

NLO Shows

NLO 1050: Webslight

Our website has been taken down by our web host, and we ain’t too happy about it. Al Jackson and Forrest Shaw are in studio to help drink the pain away. Patrick discusses what’s going

NLO Shows

NLO 1041: Al Needs Pants

Al Jackson and D-Fritz are in the studio, and the vodka is being drank. D-fritz gets some more ragging about his racist girlfriend in front of Al. Al and Patrick have some really serious, intense

NLO Shows

NLO 1016: GayBLT

Al Jackson and D-Fritz are in the studio for what turns in to a drunk-fest. Sure, the show is good and funny, but the aftershow turns in to a real clusterfuck. Patrick comments on Al

NLO Shows

NLO 1000: Live in Los Angeles

Patrick is joined live in Los Angeles by fans and special guests! Our 1000th show, recorded live in Los Angeles on February 1, 2014, features Moody, Al Jackson, Daniel Fritz, Chip Chip Chris, Cornell Reid,

NLO Shows

NLO 984: Red Hawt

Comedians Al Jackson and Josh Denny are here. This ones is a long one, but the public version is shorter. Patrick and Josh get in to one of their epic ego battles, and Al Jackson

NLO Shows

NLO 978: Ghostbusters, Too

Comedians Al Jackson and Dave Williams join Patrick in the studio for a post-Thanksgiving show. Aside from lightly recapping the Thanksgiving at Al’s, we talk about Black Friday. Patrick cashed out some Bitcoin and bought

NLO Shows

NLO 971: Big Boy Birthday

The studio is packed today, with comedians Al Jackson and Cornell Reid, and D-Fritz in the corner. He’s not on the ones and twos, though. Al Jackson is late and needs to leave early. I’ll