NLO Shows

NLO 807: Frothed

ARI SHAFFIR is here, with AL JACKSON making a return and some fans from San Diego sitting in. We open some birthday cake vodka and talk about Joe Rogan, boxing, fat chicks, ex-Pantswise shows, Ari’s

NLO Shows

NLO 747: Excuse My Christmas

Mike Bridenstine is in the studio. Patrick gets upset right out of the gate about rich people, and then the chat room tries to play some poorly-timed, unfocused prank that derails the show. Josh Denny

NLO Shows

NLO 717: Whales and Mermaids

I hope you like ranting, yelling and complaining, because Patrick has a stack of emails and he’s just had enough of you people. Ari Shaffir and intern Shooby are in the studio. Patrick is talking