NLO Shows

NLO 852: Cross-eyed

SAM TRIPOLI joins Patrick in studio today. Sam kicks things off by insisting Patrick is cross-eyed. Karen from Miami calls in to admit her deviant sexual exploits, which results in the guys harassing her for

NLO Shows

NLO 845: Keep It Wet

Comedians KEN BARNARD and JAMES FRITZ are in the studio. James just moved from Chicago to Los Angeles. Patrick is flirting with a 20-year-old fan. Lots of caller and fun. Someone do show notes!  

NLO Shows

NLO 819: Anthrape

MIKE BRIDENSTINE joins us in the latest show from the Podcastle! Brido talks about failing at podcasting. Listener Lane calls in and shows us his onion tattoo. Patrick wants to bring Brido to a Food

NLO Shows

NLO 813: Card Required

NLO has officially moved to the Podcastle! Patrick, as Andy Rooney, kicks off the show talking all about moving into new houses. No video for NLO until the studio is fully up and decorated. OVERDOSE