NLO Shows

NLO 899: Ugly Monsters

RYAN DALTON is in studio, and he has Patrick in a froth. He’s all over the place, bouncing from topic to topic. We talk about a father who wins the lottery and decides child support

NLO Shows

NLO 896: Cherry Johnson

AL JACKSON is in the studio today! Patrick is frothed at Direct TV, and is threatening to burn all bills and equipment. Patrick’s mood isn’t improved by Al’s drinking. The two bash each other quite

NLO Shows

NLO 891: Going HAM

Comedian SAM TRIPOLI is back in studio for some Friday hoopla. Sam is super amped up, and it’s causing Patrick to get cappuccino frothed. In between his verbal abuse of Sam, Patrick raves about his

NLO Shows

NLO 889: Joystick

Comedians DWAYNE PERKINS and ALLI BREEN are in the studio. Patrick has received an interesting sex toy in the mail. Sure it was on his Amazon wishlist. Dwayne tells a story about an old lady

NLO Shows

NLO 882: Dorner Party

Patrick returns from a hiatus from the internet with a power-packed show. Patrick talks about Chris Dorner, the ex-cop vigilante gunman that was on the loose in California. Patrick talks about some fans and a