NLO Shows

NLO 993: Flame Retarded

Moody continues his residence in this show with our very own D-Fritz. The big item on the agenda today is the fire story. What fire story? Oh, the story about how Patrick almost burnt down

NLO Shows

NLO 991: Eddie’s Fault

Eddie Ifft is in the studio today with D-Fritz. Patrick continues a streak of having lackluster shows, including shows on Eddie’s podcast and Flip Schultz’s podcast. Patrick has been sick and is blaming his recent

NLO Shows

NLO 990: NLO Weak

Patrick is joined in the studio by the D-Fritz. They are discussing NLO Week and talking about all the fun activities to come. Patrick tries to convince two ladies in two parts of the planet

NLO Shows

NLO 985: Skinless

Comedian Danny Lobell joins Josh Denny and D-Fritz on this show. There’s also a young comic we’re calling Yo Love! Danny has a beef to pick with some organization that is against circumcision and works

NLO Shows

NLO 977: Bits for Tits

D-Frtiz is in the studio for today’s complete silliness. Patrick gets a call from a fan who believes Patrick when he tells him they aren’t live, and offers to mail him a Bitcoin, convincing him

NLO Shows

NLO 971: Big Boy Birthday

The studio is packed today, with comedians Al Jackson and Cornell Reid, and D-Fritz in the corner. He’s not on the ones and twos, though. Al Jackson is late and needs to leave early. I’ll