Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1426: Mixed Nuts!

Patrick continues the insanity with a look back at some favorites to see what they are up to in 2022. Our friend Michael Ray Bower has stopped posting videos for months, after regular updates from his bachelor box. We watch a house tour we somehow missed previously, and what we see on his chair is enough to bring up yesterday's lunch. We also check in on Daddy Derek, everyone's favorite children's beastiality author. There's new remixes of the same old footage, and some new books for children you want to screw up at an early age. It's a rough internet out there, but remember - these lights will guide you home!

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BONUS SHOW – April 6,2022

You've been such well-behaved children that Patrick is doing a bonus program! Patrick is being assaulted by some lady in the chat who can't decide if Patrick is hot or toxic. We explore the latest from some old NLO favorites, including Starline and Daddy Derek. Star appears to be married now and is still mailing out hand-drawn stickers to internet creeps. Derek has somehow managed to re-cut the same old footage in to several "new" videos. We are all on pins and needles for the fourth annual 420 Awards! Of course, we also check in on the latest drama surrounding Thai Rivera, including his last frantic videos before leaving his living situation.

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The 420 Awards (2020)

It's that time of year again - the grass couldn't be greener for this years 420 Awards, super not-live from Las Vegas, NV. Moody joins Patrick from New Zealand to watch and provide commentary of the 2020 edition of The 420 Awards, produced and hosted (and probably edited and filmed) by Derek Savage, aka Daddy Derek. With appearances by celebrities, and some key changeups to this year's awards, it's going to be an exciting lineup.

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