NLO Shows

NLO 1050: Webslight

Our website has been taken down by our web host, and we ain’t too happy about it. Al Jackson and Forrest Shaw are in studio to help drink the pain away. Patrick discusses what’s going

NLO Shows

NLO 1047: Giggity

We’re actually really sorry for the way things have been going lately. While all the latest stuff with Josh Denny has continued to brew over the past couple of weeks, it just won’t stop coming.

NLO Shows

NLO 1046: All The Best

Patrick is alone in the studio for an energetic and rant-filled show. The big announcement today is that the show is officially moving to NYC this November, and we’ve launched a crowd-funding campaign for help.

NLO Shows

NLO 1041: Al Needs Pants

Al Jackson and D-Fritz are in the studio, and the vodka is being drank. D-fritz gets some more ragging about his racist girlfriend in front of Al. Al and Patrick have some really serious, intense

NLO Shows

NLO 1040: Flience

The studio is full, and not just because Shooby and a fan from England is here. Patrick is going crazy, and not in a good and fun way. For some reason the studio is just

NLO Shows

NLO 1034: Going Vinyl

Josh Denny is in the studio to announce his new vinyl album kickstarter. We talk briefly about Dookie and see what’s new with America’s favorite loony toon comedian slash Weight Watchers employee. Then the fuck

NLO Shows

NLO 1029: Papa Nougaty

Josh Denny joins Patrick in the studio for a surprise midnight show. Patrick is not feeling well, after spending days fighting strep throat. We get a bunch of calls from creepy fans that go bump

NLO Shows

NLO 1028: Pay For Pod

Patrick is back from Europe with stories and more. Josh Denny is back in the studio for this show. Aside from checking in on what the hell Jonah Hill and Justin Bieber have done to