September 2, 2024: REKIETA Calls In! HRO Hat Trick! Aaron Imholte LIES To Police! Winter Is Coming!
Patrick is back on United States soil, and for some reason it’s way sticker than when he left! Everyone has gone to court, and some of the picture is becoming much clearer while parts of it become muddier by the day. April appears in court, and her strategy in conjunction with the Rekieta’s seems confusing at best. Aaron’s flapping has come back to bite him, and we see that he has lied to the police and tried to destroy evidence in some half-brained attempt to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. How very un-toe like! There’s piles of events to go over, There’s tons of speculation to be had. Where is Aaron? Will he go back on the air this week? And if so, which Aaron will we get? The Aaron who is rubbing salt in the wounds of his betters with powdered sugar or an ice bucket, or the father of contrition taking ownership for his recently-alleged felonies? Grab a Celsius and join Patrick as he explores all of the most recent developments! …