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MEMBERS ONLY: Cool Cat VS. Dirty Dog – An Insane Watch Party!

Welcome to the jungle! It's been a fun week in the miseryverse, with Kate Meaney teasing a new podcast, Chad Zumock beginning to spiral about Atlantic City, and so much more! What does the night hold for those bold enough to venture in to the night with these Onion knights so bold! Come along and join the brigade, and have a laugh or two with your pal Patrick before this weekend's Christmas chaos befalls you.

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BROWN-EYE BONUS! The Kate Meaney Chronicles! A Dumb Woman WASTES Her Family Legacy!

Toot toot! All aboard the Poo Poo Choo Choo! Kate Meaney is already spiraling OGAIN after trying to control her own image on Twitter and MLC all day. This chick is a wreck, and the more she talks, the funnier it gets. I’ve got good news and bad news for Kate Meaney, daughter of comedian Kevin Meaney; today you finally provided some hilarious content, but it once again revolved around what a delicious snack that bootyhole was for your ex-boyfriend – the one you said had a tiny peen. Anyway, girl. Let’s talk about it!

NLO Shows

December 6, 2023: Someone Help Kate Meaney! Kevin Brennan is LOOSE!

It’s another week of MLC drama, and Kevin is at the peak of his obsession with Shuli and Bob and their viewers. What is the prize that whoever wins this corner of the internet gets? Is there a plaque or some sort of certificate? What is Kate Meaney trying to protect, anyway? Did Geno have anything to do with a privacy complaint on one of Patrick’s videos? Do we ever need another show with this sorcerer psychiatrist again? I’ve got some yelling to do!

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Members Only Show – December 1, 2023

It's a Friday night Member's Only extravaganza! We meander the web and try to make sense of it so you don't have to. Tonight, we try to unravel and explain the Keanu C. Thompson versus Kate Meaney situation. Just a couple of broads arguing about their buttholes and what they do with them in their spare time. Geno Bisconte and Keanu are allegedly retaliating against Kate for buddying up with Kevin Brennan, but Keanu and Geno say that isn't so. Who is telling the truth? Kevin Brennan and Keanu call in to set the record straight. We also catch up with TommyNC2010 and look back to remember what makes this special boy so special.

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NLO Shows

October 19, 2023 – Steel Toe Is QUITTING! Angie Krum Readies a NEW Show, Keanu Is a SITTING DUCK

On Thursdays, NLO gives thanks to the gods above for bestowing upon us a bounty of idiots to comb through. Angie Krum has been quietly headlining some of the crappiest Vegas gigs while secretly preparing to do a haircut show. You’ll see. Keanu got shot at and showed the world exactly how to act like a helplessly marooned idiot. Stuttering John keeps coming for Patrick. Heather Gillespie thinks people are wearing skin suits and she likes cooking in her tent with a hair dryer, Chad Zumock is being paid a fist full of cash to talk to a psychiatrist this afternoon, and we will be here for it.

NLO Shows

October 9, 2023 – NOTHING CHANGES! Moody & Patrick’s EPIC Flat Earth Argument, Steel Toe Lady Show

Patrick’s friend and beloved chat room moderator joins Patrick in Las Vegas for some shows. Both of them are full and in pain from a night of eating delicious steaks downtown, but they’ve strapped on an energy pack and are here to annoy you with one of the dumbest arguments ever! Moody recaps his American adventures, including a memory of Patrick being too fat to ride Space Mountain in 2014. We dive straight in to Steel Toe an try to catch up on the Keanu and April “hoe cast” that they attempted a few weeks back. Spoiler alert – there’s poop and blood! We listen to April and Aaron talk about crying and missing their friends that they’ve only met once. Patrick baits Moody in to a philosophical flat Earth argument that he then drags out to annoy the chat room. They finish up with some more Steel Toe gold, including April Imholte’s story of how she won her man.

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VIOLENT Vegas Comic BUTCH BRADLEY Pulls Gun On Girlfriend!?

Comedian Butch Bradley went on the Misery Loves Company podcast with Kevin Brennan recently to tell his version of what happened in the past with Patrick. In the process, he publicly slandered Patrick several times with statements that he knows are false. Butch accuses Patrick of stalking, death threats, harassment of himself and his family, and much more. Who is more of a danger to Butch's loved ones? Patrick, who doesn't communicate with Butch at all and hasn't in five years, or Butch himself? Did Butch pull a gun on his girlfriend in 2021? Did she call 911? Wouldn't it be a shame if someone got ahold of the emergency call and police report? What would happen to the career of Las Vegas' funniest comedian as well as the reputation of The Strat casino and the LA Comedy Club if the evidence of prostitutes, drugs and domestic violence come to light? Look out, Butch! Winter is coming!

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MEMBERS ONLY: NO POORS! Let’s Take This Up a Notch! 🤑💲💵💰

The week is over, but the drama has just begun! Let's kick it! Patrick takes heat for doing a spa show and has the sunburn to prove it! Chad Zumock does what he does best - STEAL! Chad gets $1K to do a pool show, and now this poor mofo has to find a pool! Make a sauna appointment! Kevin Brennan is losing his mind of other people's money and also has tons of comments about stuff he doesn't have right! Patrick has had enough of the hack challenges that anyone can do. Tonight it gets tooken to the next level. Patrick lays out the challenge.

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BONUS: Steel Toe’s INSANE Gloves Up Cope Fest! (August 27, 2023)

This isn't a show! Don't even start with me about it! I've had enough of your attitude, mister! Why don't you have some cheese with that whine! Go stuff your sorries in a sack! Everything zen? Everything zen! I don't think so! We take a walk down the Steel Toe road of delusion, where he gaslights his fans about the boxing challenge, the 10k race, and so much more. We also make our own attempt to cross the 10k line, but it look's like Patrick is destined to be trolled as well! What can you do! Oh, nothing!

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NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: Steel Toe’s CRINGE Show, Angie Krum is DREAMING Again! (August 14, 2023)

It’s Monday! Patrick hears some info about the Steel Toe Morning Show and their ninth anniversery party. Let’s see how Aaron tells the story in comparison to the reports Patrick received about the event. Las Vegas comedians are running amuck since Patrick has been distracted by comedians in other parts of the country. Today we refocus on a couple of these nuts to try to bring some balance to our lives! Clench your bubble guts and join the fun!

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Members Only Show – August 11, 2023

Come join Patrick and a cast of puppet characters as they act out the entire Wizard of Oz! You're going to love the way Dorothy sings the hits! Seriously grab a Starburst and sit grandma by the air conditioner because ish is about to get fire af tonight boi! No seriously though, who knows what could happen. Patrick has so much dirt he could build some sort of dirt business or something!

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NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: Parasocial Fans, Chad is Plastered Again, ATP Art Assignment (June 16, 2023)

It’s Friday and you should stand up and try to reach some part of your back to pat it for making it through this one. Patrick briefly recaps the latest from everybody’s favorite sauced soothsayer, Chad Zumock. Ski Mark and Lil Mir get in to a fight which prompts Patrick to see a bigger trend. Ask yourself to imagine other rooms and areas in David Skarica aka Addicted to Profits Bahamian homestead and commit them to an everlasting piece of art. And finally, you won’t believe the tweets Patrick seen…

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MLC Aftershow – May 29, 2023

Patrick is scheduled to appear on MLC on Monday afternoon, so try to plan your hot dog grilling and lake activities around the depressing internet show schedule, alright? Will Patrick bomb? How jealous are all these other nerds about this hiring? Does Kevin reveal just how much he is paying Patrick for his humor services? Only time will tell. Let's break down the show after the show!

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MELTON in the MORNING! (May 24, 2023)

Patrick is feeling fresh and pumped for a Wednesday show that is going to cover all the hottest topics he needs to dump from his prep sheet. Patrick doesn't understand why Karl from Who Are These Podcasts can't stop lying about him. We watch Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show continue to gloat in the misfortune of others, possibly lie about his coffee grift, and reveal other cringe-worthy behavior. Josh Denny is up to his old tricks again by using a veiled N-word joke on the Anthony Cumia Compound Media show. Patrick gives his latest thoughts on Chad Zumock, Kevin Brennan and the drama surrounding Producer Joe from the Shuli network. Patrick gets frustrated at the chat, as usual, and so much more. The chat becomes generous in the final minutes and milks more time out of the show, and Patrick watches Perry Carravello get trolled hard by the Cart Narcs.

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NLO Shows

MELTON in the MORNING! (May 23, 2023)

What a weekend! Patrick is still soaking in a buttermilk bath to rinse the smoke out of his nasty bits, but it’s a new day and the show must go on! Kevin Brennan has apparently stricken Chad Zumock’s YouTube account and Florida’s self-proclaimed best comedian is on life support. Will he recover? KC Armstrong announced, amid a flurry of distracting superchats, that he is taking a week off to keep his composure. Is Ray trolling Chad? Steel Toe Morning Show’s Mooby and the Scrimp are being sued by Alex Jones or something?

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MELTON in the MORNING! (May 19, 2023)

It's Friday and Patrick cannot wait to just take himself to the lake. It's the birthday of one of our most lusted-after members. Join NLO in wishing Dirty Dalish a happy birthday with a birthday card design contest. We get a very weird and exclusive tour of Compound Media behind the scenes. MLC is getting weird and Kevin Brennan is no longer in the Bob Levy business. KC Armstrong delivers his most unreal performance ever as he gets played like a grade-school recorder live on his own show! No MEMBERS ONLY show tonight - join us tomorrow at 6pm ET/3pm PT for our very first Smoke Show. Grab your own pork shoulder and cook along with Patrick!

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MELTON in the MORNING! (May 9, 2023)

It’s a special Toe-tastic Tuesday, as Aaron Imholte aka Mooby imports his favorite internet boy crush, Geno Bisconte, in to his program for a couple hours of mutual tube tugging. Their backs are sure to be sore after this session! Kevin Brennan loses Round One of the week, suffering ignored calls and getting out-earned by Chad Zumock, his current nemesis. Bob Levy gives out all his stepdaughter’s info on Legion of Skanks, and this might just change everything. We watch the BS show where they don’t really address any of the serious stuff, but have Ray and Barry Ribs on to distract and amuse. We make Geno funnier with the Benny Hill Theme and some fabulously-timed bouncing emotes.

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MEMBERS ONLY SHOW – March 17, 2023

It's Friday and Patrick would love to have your babies! Patrick is spending the day catching up with posting audio versions and other exclusives for Overdose subscribers, as well as catching up on sleep. But you can join in tonight as he catches you up on the latest gossip and hardcore drama in the YouTube and Dabbler community, as well as the latest lie from Aaron Imholte from the Steel Toe Morning Show garbage fire. The weekend will allow Moody & The Scrimp try to drink themselves in to a stupor so they can put on another week of cope shows. Is Chad Zumock starting to turn on Patrick? People say it's in the air. We watch Stevie Lew bomb it up!

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