NLO Shows

February 22, 2024: KATE MEANEY Can’t Stop! Heather Guillespie LOSES Baby! Haley Sacks Is OILY!

The chronicles of human anal windsock Kate Meaney continue! It’s been a blast watching this young ingenue turned pleasure pocket flail around from show to show, trying to reinvent herself in the wake of her last thrashing. What will Kate Meaney do next? Perhaps her mother Mary Ann Halford can offer a glimpse from the past for the masses to evaluate. Aaron and April Imholte keep getting weirder and weirder, and it’s hard to tell exactly where their relationship is on the sad meter. We watch as Aaron once again proves he is a midwestern dolt whose professional show is unraveling before our eyes. Haley Sacks aka Ms. Dow Jones is back with another video that’s sure to make you curdle with disgust. Heather Gillespie, the human Chicago trash train, has given birth to her baby and the state has already taken it away. What’s next? Will she ever get the dream life she dreams about, or is she destined to roll around in tent urnine and chancla chunks?

NLO Shows

January 8, 2024: BIG MONDAY! Corey Adam Reality Check! WORST Enchiladas Ever! Get MERSH A Cot!

Can you believe it’s 2024 and we are still watching Mersh experiment with weed and try not to pass out in a room full of cats where he will most surely be eaten clean to the bone within hours? Me neither! Today we are going to learn how to make the most revolting Mexican dish that you’ve never wondered about, with our planet-sized instructor Rayne. Will you have an appetite by the time the are ready? Steel Toe Morning Show’s Aaron Imholte has never been popular in his home town, and some old Facebook comments can prove it. Former Steel Toe second-mic and wannabe comedian Corey Adam has a nervous breakdown live when confronted with his own reality by a fan over the phone.

NLO Shows

December 18, 2023: NOBODY Likes CHAD ZUMOCK! DonkeyLips Can’t Walk! Steel Toe Numbers Are DOWN!

Patrick’s schedule is ALL WONKY for the next week or so, and you’ll just have to deal with it. The internet is a fickle mistress, and her shows are not relegated to your temporal bounding boxes, human. The Lou and KY morning show is the shining beacon of the Joey C universe. Lou looks like his teeth got in a fight and had to be seperated. Did we mention he’s dumber than potting soil? Patrick revisits Haley Sacks, a guest from NYC who had a showing so bad, she couldn’t even bear to be in the same room with Patrick ever again. Steel Toe suffers another insane defeat at the offering plate, and April comes down to give Aaron a sloppy consolation kiss before heading off to her night shift at Arby’s. Save some horsey sauce for us, Ape!

NLO Shows

November 2, 2023 – Chad Is LAUGHABLY Serious! Tommy Is Back! Haley’s WAKE-UP Routine, A New Guy?NLO LIVE

You won’t believe how much show Patrick is going to cram down your stupid face on today’s program. On Thursday’s we try to catch up with as many of the R’s in our world as possible, and yet somehow there is always room for NEW GUYS! Patrick has a new friend who’s got some keto-recipes you may enjoy. Chad and Ray are butting heads about an upcoming roast challenge, and it couldn’t be more of a dream for tard hunters! Haley aka Mrs. Dow Jones has a morning routine that is sure to make you gag. How do her mirrors work? No seriously. No for real. How do her mirrors work?

NLO Shows

October 5, 2023 – R-TARD THURSDAY! Failed Comedienne Fixes YOUR Finances!

Patrick’s schedule is ALL WONKY for the next week or so, and you’ll just have to deal with it. The internet is a fickle mistress, and her shows are not relegated to your temporal bounding boxes, human. The Lou and KY morning show is the shining beacon of the Joey C universe. Lou looks like his teeth got in a fight and had to be seperated. Did we mention he’s dumber than potting soil? Patrick revisits Haley Sacks, a guest from NYC who had a showing so bad, she couldn’t even bear to be in the same room with Patrick ever again. Steel Toe suffers another insane defeat at the offering plate, and April comes down to give Aaron a sloppy consolation kiss before heading off to her night shift at Arby’s. Save some horsey sauce for us, Ape!

NLO Shows

NLO 1141: AMAzing

Patrick is joined by YouTube starlet and bling nailstress Haley Sacks. I’m not even sure nailstress is a word. Haley Sacks aka @holisox is here, and she’s being barraged by insults in our chat room.