NLO Shows

NLO 759: Pizza Proposal

JOSH DENNY and listener CHRIS are in the studio! Patrick tries to tie the knot using Pizza Hut’s Valentine’s Day promotion, there’s store order drama, tattoo talk, Creed talk, and more Judy failures. There’s also

NLO Shows

NLO 755: That’s Gay

JOSH DENNY is here and we’re trying to get back in to the pod swing of things. Patrick and Josh discuss the words “gay” and “faggot” in a serious context, and the use of those

NLO Shows

NLO 751: Beavage

Josh Denny and Shooby are in the studio for this extra-long show. Patrick has a lot of people to deal with this week, so he’s taken out the broom so he can start cleaning house.

NLO Shows

NLO 746: Shocktopus

Patrick is joined by JOSH DENNY and should have been joined by ALLI BREEN, but she is a no-show. Patrick is in a good mood because his DirecTV has been restored, he’s got new Little