NLO Shows

NLO 1010: Fart Candy

Everyone’s favorite ginger Josh Denny is in the studio before heading off for Uber duty. Patrick doesn’t understand why everyone is fighting for equaity from people who will never treat them equal instead of just

NLO Shows

NLO 1008: Quakes and Rapes

Comedian and red-vine enthusiast Josh Denny is in the studio, and this one is long. Josh recently got in to an argument with several sassy ladies, as well as a TV show writer, on Twitter

NLO Shows

NLO 1003: Bang Shop

Patrick is joined in the studio by Josh Denny and Sean, aka Babingbongbangs. Patrick introduces an annoying new character in this show, Mugsy Riley, who apparently owns a haircuttery and specializes in cutting bangs. We

NLO Shows

NLO 999: Marmighty

Patrick is getting his house in order after weeks of guests from abroad. Josh Denny is here today in all his ginger glory. Patrick is having issues with nosebleeds, which has to just be super

NLO Shows

NLO 985: Skinless

Comedian Danny Lobell joins Josh Denny and D-Fritz on this show. There’s also a young comic we’re calling Yo Love! Danny has a beef to pick with some organization that is against circumcision and works

NLO Shows

NLO 984: Red Hawt

Comedians Al Jackson and Josh Denny are here. This ones is a long one, but the public version is shorter. Patrick and Josh get in to one of their epic ego battles, and Al Jackson

NLO Shows

NLO 983: Rib Wizard

Josh Denny is back again, for the second time this week. Old Ginger is fresh back from taking Patrick for burgers and ribs. Patrick recounts the story of a restaurant that seems like it’s in

NLO Shows

NLO 982: Flab Cab

Merry Festivus, you assholes. It’s the return of Josh Denny, to everyone’s surprise. Patrick and Josh talk about the weirdo’s out in front of grocery stores, and then we find out what Josh has been

NLO Shows

NLO 902: Storborks

Fan favorite JAKE LLOYD finally returns to the show! Callers are quick to bring back an old bit, and Jake couldn’t be happier. Patrick recounts a shitty car wash experience. Slowly. He reveals that his