NLO Shows

February 26, 2024: MUNDANE MONDAY! Steel Toe Is GIVING UP! Chad Zumock Has NO IDEA What To Do!

When things are at their worst, couples try to put on a facade. And if that’s not what Aaron and April Imholte from the Steel Toe Morning Show are doing, then they have Patrick fooled. The days of late-night macaroni salad and trips to Jersey Mike’s to chase away the blues with a tuna torpedo are coming to end, and we are here for it. Watch the wind-down of this sad program continue with the latest attempt to phone in a program for their remaining few brain-dead Minnesota fans. Chad Zumock appears for the first time in a week to do the muscle-memory version of what a 62 IQ child thinks a podcast might be. Patrick hasn’t seen it at all, and it’s time we take a thorough account of just what the mudshark thinks he is still doing. Strap in, spergs! We have a lot to catch up on!

NLO Shows

February 19, 2024: GIFTGATE! Is SHULI NETWORK Desperate? Heather Gillespie’s BABY WATCH!

It’s president’s day, and Patrick is the commander-in-chief of all the clip shows! A listener is able to demonstrate purchasing memberships for pennies on the dollar, opening up some serious accusations against The Shuli Network. But is it just needless hate and speculation, or is there any evidence of foul play? Is Kevin Brennan chasing the numbers dragon himself in light of newly available data? Let’s have a look at the numbers! Corey Adam takes a vacation with his mom and can’t stop making boring reels about it. Heather Gillespie is overdue and little baby Rico must be clairvoyant, because he’s refusing to come out and join his mother on her loser parade through life. We check in on what might be the worst mom in America.

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MEMBERS ONLY: GLUG GLUG! Chad Zumock Is A Walking Red Flag!

Happy Friday night and welcome to a members only stream. There's lots of members streams out there, but this one is just for making fun of comedian Chad Zumock as he navigates a world that has rejected him. Determined to make people thing he is a still a working comic, and clamoring for relevance with some of the most B-list comics ever, Chad continues his fight for mediocrity and we are here for it!

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NLO Shows

February 15, 2024: STEEL TOE Morning Show is DESPERATE! Chad Zumock Is An ALCOHOLIC FAILURE!

Patrick is back from Atlantic City and he’s ready to do a data dump from the weekend. This show should be a constant flow of thoughts and memories from AC, as well as an attempt to catch up with some of the insane occurrences we may have missed. Chad is fully off the wagon after a weekend of truth smacking him across his fat chins. Not only did Chad fail at putting on a good comedy show, he came face to face with his lack of support and fans. After being rejected from the NYC comedy scene after just one day without meeting any of his heroes to stick it to his haters. Steel Toe Morning Show keeps tanking and is now desperate to do anything for superheats. They want back in the Dabbleverse worse than anything, and they’re chasing Chad Zumock to make it happen. Mooby has even sunk to the low of allowing his wife to strip on stream next to him, but the superheats are NOT flowing.

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WE GOT ‘EM! Is A Hunchback RUINING An Old Man’s Life?

Kevin Brennan is grumpy! Join Patrick with your opinions and thoughts! We would LOVE to know what you think. Kevin Brennan is VERY nervous about Atlantic City, and is threatening to not come! Why, KB? What are you so scared of? The logic is falling apart, and the old man is losing focus. Come count my money and bring your kids for a ride down the old curved-spine slide of terror!

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NLO Shows

February 6, 2024: EXCUSES Are Mounting! SOMEONE Is Counting! Who’s Afraid of the Dark!?

Let’s get muddy! Night time NLO can get weird, so make sure you bring your boots. We go over the latest insanity revolving around the upcoming massacre in Atlantic City. Chad Zumock panics about some mystery text and Patrick gets blamed for it somehow. Why won’t Patrick address some picture Kevin’s Brennan posted? Kate Meaney wants to leave the dabbleverse but she’s coming to Atlantic City? Kevin finds out Ray is performing at Hackamania and almost does a backflip. What more could you ask for in the festivities before the BIG GAME! Pour yourself a glass of Death Piggy vodka and come along for an adventure!

NLO Shows

February 2, 2024: HACKAMANIA! Kevin Brennan DOUBLE’S DOWN On SENILE! Aaron Imholte STEEL TOE Tattoo!

It’s Friday, and Patrick can’t seem to reach escape velocity from the Kevin Brennan insanity vortex. Today we try to put a button on the issues? What is Kevin Brennan afraid of? What is really happening to his money? Why is he so angry that he has forgone logic to align himself with nonsense? Only time will tell. One this is for sure – Kevin is big mad and that has the dull-brained blips around him chimping out with nonsense. We try to finish Chad’s drunk show from Tuesday, and also visit some great Chad memories from the days when he thought he was going to be somebody. Plus we have your tattoo ideas for Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show, and HACKAMANIA news!

NLO Shows

January 30, 2024: Is KEVIN BRENNAN Okay? Steel Toe Is SUPER NASTY! Sketti Tooth Birthday!

Patrick brings receipts so everything can watch Kevin Brennan transform in to a cope baby right before their very eyes. Watch how 72 hours makes one-time successful comedian Kevin Brennan turns from a braggadocios confident man in to a confused, angry man regretting painting himself in to a corner. We take a final look at “the bet” before putting Kevin’s dementia to bed as it pertains to this issue. Aaron Imholte proves that he has given up on his radio dream and settled in to begging to not get a real job. Watch as his wife tells us about how he keeps her up late eating spaghetti in bed and blasting music. The midnight carb curmudgeon is back, and this time it isn’t mac salad!

NLO Shows

January 29, 2024: MEEK MEN MONDAY! Kevin Brenna CAN’T STOP LYING About How Well He’s Doing!

It’s the start of another week, and this one will see us through to the beginning of February and usher in a new era of excitement as Kevin Brennan’s Atlantic City meetup. Kevin Brennan screamed again about his numbers, proclaiming he will send them to anyone who asks, only to backtrack immediately and begin issuing challenges and excuses for his lack of follow-through. Steel Toe Morning Show is off to a whimper of a start this week, as both Johnny and April stand Aaron up, and the professional broadcaster resorts to sheepishly reading the chat room and faking his way through another morning of an excuse for entertainment. You decide whether or not the talent is genuine or if this pretend radio man is nearing the end of his make-believe career.

NLO Shows

BONUS! Kevin Brennan Finds ANGER ANTIDOTE & Forgets All About The Mandolincident!

Kevin Brennan is back baby! And this time he brought a little oriental girl! Peng Deng and Chad WRECK Kevin’s superhats – we have the embarrassing total! We finish this morning’s watch of yesterday’s anger and obsession, which of course has completely subsided today. Jason Bently PUNISHES Kevin for his continued disregard for the popular consensus of the people. Kevin hate’s polls, but polls help provide guidance and course correction in time of trouble. Will Kevin ever learn, or will he continue to act like a dinosaur, shaking his fist at the meteors raining down upon him.

NLO Shows

January 25, 2024: “THE MANDOLINCIDENT” – Kevin Brennan Goes WILD Over Nothing!?

It’s Thursday, and one day off has turned in to another hot story in the Dabbleverse! People are sharing a video of Karl from Who Are These Podcasts? doing a livestream and sharing a moment with his wife on camera. Karl has also gotten upset recently about attacks on his family by Stuttering John. Who is in the right? Is more going on here than meets the eye? Let’s get in to it. Plus, Patrick wants to catch up with some of our best creeps to find out how the new year is treating them. There’s gold in this here show, and you should go grab a pan and help us find some nuggets, cowpoke!

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RENT FREE! A Musical! Comedian Succubutt & Anal Tart KATE MEANEY Bares All!

Uh oh! Comedian Kevin Meaney and that banger of a daughter Kate Meaney, along with her NBC executive mother, have gotten themselves in to quite a pickle! Watch as Kevin Brennan eats hard candy and swallows more than hard truths as he tries to balance a chat room and dwindling superchats with "sticking it to Melton" by booking bores!

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NLO Shows

January 23, 2024: Patrick Is BACK! Let’s Catch Up On HAPPENINGS!

Patrick is fresh off the boat from Hawaii, and instead of going to bed like some kind of lazy bones, he’s coming in the studio to endure a program with you sour sacks. Patrick has been in a tropical paradise for over a week, and he may be very behind on the goings-on in the dabbleverse. Let’s catch up with some of the best moments, go over some of the hottest gossip, and watch some of the best lols of the week. Kate Meaney picks a fight and loses again. Chad finds out that Patrick can ruin his show from a sandy shore across the world. Kevin Brennan continues his march towards profitability and complete delusion by shedding guests that suckle at his superchat teet. Feel free to call in and catch Patrick up on your favorite story of the past week.