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Members Only Show – October 20, 2023

I am not above this, I am far below. Welcome to a Friday night, welcome to a show. My name is Fatty Patty, and I am the king of trolls. I'm coming for your SJ, and only for the LOLz. I am far above this, I take back what I said. We will play with John a little bit, but then we'll leave him dead. HIT THE LIKE BUTTON YOU FAT FREAK!

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Diagnosing A Dipshit: An MLC Stream Sniping Event!

Come join Patrick in a free and safe environment to share your opinions without ridicule! Watch as Chad Zumock does the bare minimum to earn his fee, dodging and twisting, bobbing and lying, deflecting and obscuring facts the entire time. Will Kevin hold the Florida Fatty's feet to the fire? Will the Z-Man finally be recognized as the broken and damaged loser that he is? Let's all point and laugh at this tumbling has-been together!

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ONION AMBASSADOR IS BORN! Joey C Don’t Make His Own Sauce!

You can't plan this kind of brilliance! Patrick gets high! Joey C stream snipes! Christina C calls in to tell the world how nasty her rot pocket is! Joey C defends himself against the casual racism of SbuxxAmbassador, and Patrick decrees SbuxxAmbassador to be his official mouthpiece for the rest of the show. The epic battle of wits between these two northeast tough guys will run you through a guantlet of emotions. You'll scream, cry and laugh away your pain! It's one chill and relaxed night for Mr. McMelton, but the product speaks for itself! Join us for a wacky ride before Patrick fades away faster than Chad sipping Tito's from a botter wottle! It's Friday night, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got shit to do! Join the Onions!

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NLO Shows

September 29, 2023 – Kevin Brennan HATES Truth, Ray Spins Facts, Mandatory Employee Training

It’s Friday in Las Vegas, and the end of September is nigh. So much has happened this week, both good and bad, and Patrick thinks everyone could use a super-sized palate cleanser to start the weekend. Patrick addresses some of Kevin Brennan’s insane concerns. Ray Devito is pulling videos down to prevent being caught in lies and avoid upsetting any future possible princesses. Joey C makes a lot of threats for a guy who can’t go up a flight of stairs without huffing for twenty minutes. Patrick has discovered one of the most insane videos on the internet and would like you to join him for a very rigorous employee training session from our friends at Waffle House.

NLO Shows

September 28, 2023 – The Show You ALL Deserve!

As the sun rises over Las Vegas and Patrick ascends his podcasting throne, an unsettling mood descends on the land. On an R-Tard Thursday like this, we should be focusing on those around us that make us laugh with their ineptitude and frustrate us with their stubborn and unchanging ways. But here we are. Here we go. We’re doing it. We are fucking doing it.

NLO Shows

September 26, 2023 – Rob Saul Fires Allegations, Chris ENABLES, Shuli LIES About Patrick Live!

There’s some static in the air, and Patrick wants to be the dryer sheet that relieves you of all that tension. Comedian and dog-semen-extractor Rob Saul has gone public with some gossip, appearing on Misery Loves Company with Kevin Brennan on Monday afternoon. According to Rob, the Shuli Network, Bob Levi, and Chris Ables are all purchasing views for their videos, and claims to have receipts. Who is lying and why? Who is Steven Springer? What is “marketing?” Kevin Brennan is still being retarded, and it has to be a work. Aaron Imholte let his seat be filled by Keanu on Monday night. What lows will Aaron and April stoop to next on the Steel Toe Desperation Show? This show gets derailed by the accusations against the Shuli network, and intensifies when Shuli begins lying about Patrick live on The BS Show for some reason.

NLO Shows

September 25, 2023 – OLD MAN Brennan Needs Clues! Congrats Geno & Kiki! Chad Zumock Is a ZILCH!

What a weekend, and what a life! Congratulations to Geno and his lady for getting engaged, although this means Geno is no longer single, and therefore not available for Aaron and April to have a threesome with. Patrick has been beaming all weekend after Butch Bradley’s embarrassing Friday performance on Kevin Brennan’s podcast. Will Misery Loves Company be the final podcast where Butch talks about this, or will he run his mouth again. Does Patrick have a prayer at a defamation case, or is Kevin Brennan right when he says “you can’t just sue people.” We shall find out. Steel Toe has some new cringe to examine. Chad Zumock cannot stop lying, unless he’s reading. When he’s reading he stops his breathing. Let’s have ourselves a merry little Monday, shall we?

NLO Shows

September 22, 2023 – The FUTURE Is BLEAK! Chad Zumock, Donkeylips & Steel Toe Are SUNSETTING!

Happy Friday, mortals! Come with us this blessed day and rejoice in the fact that your life is not hurling down a hallway of despair with limited options on the horizon. Chad Zumock can’t see the end of his career coming, but if he would just clean those fogged up Walmart specs he might have hope! Michael Ray Bower aka Donkeylips has an answer for Patrick regarding his proposition, and it’s the kind of self-sabotage that’s sure to seal his fate. All this plus your Chad Zumock podcast studio renderings in our latest fan art assignment! Strap in, ya saps!

NLO Shows

September 21, 2023 – Chad Zumock’s SAD World, Ray Devito ENABLED Again!

We are blessed this morning with a tree that has so much fruit on it, it’s hard to tell which delicious, succulent piece to grab first. Chad Zumock is melting down. The reports are coming in far and wide about Zumock’s latest attempt to control the narrative. Google has some amazing Chad Zumock morsels for the picking over. Ray Devito was analyzed on MLC yesterday, and Kevin Brennan was loving it. But did the psychiatrist help Ray? Does Ray even understand what’s happening around him? Only time will tell. Let’s see where the day takes us, shall we?

NLO Shows

September 19, 2023 – CHAD ZUMOCK Is Big Mad! This Cleveland Has-Been Can’t Stop Lying!

Chad Zumock is a mudshark with no place to go! Watch as the Z-Man panics and attacks one of his most ardent admirers and lashes out to control the narrative! Chad Zumock is desperate to not let people know he flies to Texas to sell 117 tickets, doesn’t move any merch, and shakes on stage while he tries to remember his old jokes. Listen to the harrowing tale of Chad Zumock, a failed comedian who doesn’t know he’s a failure, try to spin and change facts in real time. Chad is continually contradicting himself and going off on tangents about things that have nothing to do with anything. The working theory is that poor Chadley lacks the mental capacity to form any kind of coherent argument or stance , and therefore ends every tirade sitting in silence, pursing his lips over and over, while wallowing in his disturbingly dark reality. Enjoy the overtime as Patrick forgoes other topics to discuss this sad, broken dummy.

NLO Shows

September 8, 2023 – Alex Stein STOOPS To Zumock, DonkeyLips Excuses Ahoy, Patrick ATTACKS Shuli

It’s been a week of wild twists and turns, and the rumors are more interesting than the truth. Patrick helps the haters focus on the real issues. Michael Ray Bower has still not answered Patrick’s offer to come on the show, nor mentioned the care package Patrick sent with The Willies VHS and several items of NLO merch. Will he ever acknowledge it? Did he even receive it? Bower has lots of excuses for why he was not cast in some epic films, and one of them is that he’s too thin! Patrick thinks producer Joe copied something weird from NLO to troll him, but Patrick is just dumb! Chad Zumock shows that even a room full of producers can’t help him be funny on Alex Stein’s sad and confusing Blaze.tv show.

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SPA SHOW! Get Wet, Dwerbs! (September 1, 2023)

Splish splash, I was taking a bath
Long about a Saturday night, yeah
A rub dub, just relaxing in the tub
Thinking everything was alright

Well, I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me
And I opened the door, and then a
Splish, splash, I jumped back in the bath
Well, how was I to know there was a party going on?

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EMERGENCY: MLC Universe Rocked! Shuli’s YouTube STRUCK! Kevin Brennan Calls In! (August 31, 2023)

It's a tumultuous day in the whatever-verse. Let's go over it. Let's investigate. Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Can you believe it? We're doing it! Patrick talks about all the recent drama swirling in the MLC world, with Kevin Brennan and Bob Levy. The Misery Loves Company podcast is forever changed, but the current guests are not informed and the show is spiraling down a road of irrelevance and insanity. Can Kevin keep this up? He calls in to let us know who should take the L this week. Is Patrick a Shuli shill? What does he know that he isn't saying? Can anyone be trusted? Find out!

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NLO Shows

August 24, 2023 – Steel Toe’s Race to 10K, Summer Scrimpfest, New Podcast Alliances

Happy Thursday! Whatever that is running down your leg can wait, you frosty animal! Join Patrick in celebrating everything that’s happened in the podcast world over the past week. Where does Nobody Likes Onions fall in all this controversy? Steel Toe has been having a field day while being left alone during the recent squabbling. Podcasts are clamoring to have Patrick on as a guest, but is this a good time to engage with low-level impersonators? Joey C couldn’t hold it together for two weeks. Has Chad had his nuts clipped? Patrick is back for Atlantic City and has so many thoughts. You care, right?

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ATLANTIC CITY: Kevin Brennan, Ray DeVito, Skimask – MLC Weekend!

Kevin Brennan reluctantly joins Patrick for over two hours in his hotel room doing a podcast with Ray DeVito and Ski Mask! Will Ray be coherent? Is Ski Mask going to murder someone? Have you seen how many keys Kevin carries on his keyring? All of these questions and more answered in this pop-up version of a show in Atlantic City at the Borgata during the MLC podcast meetup!

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ATLANTIC CITY: Bob Levy Joins Patrick For MLC Weekend!

Join Patrick and Bob Levy live from the Borgata in Atlantic City! Who knows what could happen! Will Kevin Brennan be watching? Will he be mad? Will you? What is Ray doing right now? Don't you wish Chad was here. LOL we have fun! Get the full episode now on the Overdose and Overdose Lite level of membership on YouTube!

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NLO Shows

NLO After MLC: A Makeup Show for the Masses! (July 31, 2023)

Patrick couldn’t go live this morning because of Cox and their lousy internet service. But the outage has been rectified and after MLC Patrick wants to make things right. Come on down and chill on this final day of July, as we say goodby to fireworks, rip down any remaining PRIDE posters from June we may have misses, and throw some Ray DeVito on the grill.

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: KB’s Lost Sitcom, Fan Paranoia & More! (July 17, 2023)

Happy Monday! Patrick is here before another popular Melton Mondays appearance on the Misery Loves Company podcast with Kevin Brennan. What better way to get primed up for an afternoon of KB than to check out the pilot of a sitcom that he did once upon a former ago! Someone named Brandon has some big accusations about Shuli and his network, and we are gonna try to figure out what’s going on. Hit the like button and grab a membership so Patrick doesn’t have to climb a casino and vandalize Caesar or his palace.