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THIS LITTLE PIGGY: A Steel Toe Morning Show Roundtable Discussion (October 11, 2024)

Join Patrick, Karl from Who Are These Podcasts, Tookie, and maybe even Moody from New Zealand as they discuss this week in Aaron Imholte and his Steel Toe Morning Show. The man who refuses to get a job never ceases to captivate while taking his life and our entertainment up a notch.

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RUN, PIGGY, RUN! A Chad Zumock Experience

Chad Zumock stole sandwiches from Whole Foods. Chad Zumock stole credit cards from Veterans. Chad Zumock broke in to his ex-girlfriend's house in the middle of the night. Chad Zumock fell asleep and drove in to a tree at 3am. Chad Zumock faked getting jumped for YouTube clicks. Chad Zumock bought Twitter followers. Chad Zumock told a depressed coworker to end herself. Chad Zumock is afraid of people making fun of his videos. Chad Zumock sticks up for himself with fake social media accounts. Chad Zumock is banned from comedy clubs for being a nuisance.

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Get stroked about it, querms! Patrick is back after a week of insane breakdowns and lots of build up, but the dentist could be handling that for him this weekend, if you know what I mean! I don't know why I said that. It's not coded. I have a dentist appointment. I also just switched to first person. It's just me. I'm so alone. Come drink with me on this Friday of L's I've been stacking up lately!

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MEMBERS ONLY: DonkeyLips LIVE! Mersh Is Messing Up More! Aaron Imholte Is OUT OF IDEAS!

Michael Ray Bower aka Donkeylips is in Pennsylvania and doing a media tour for a nostalgic Nickelodeon convention he is signing pictures at this weekend. It's a different Bower than we've recently seen at home depressed. Mersh is a character and we can't stop watching him dream of success while wasting all his money gambling on women's tennis.Aaron Imholte has given up and knows it won't be long before he's selling cars or hot dogs downtown. You won't believe the laziness!

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NLO Shows

July 30, 2024: BUSTIN’ Makes Me Feel Good! Mersh Gets SOUR! Donkeylips Depression Continues!

Another day closer to making our nut, Patrick is back to regale you with stories from far and wide. It’s training Tuesday and if there’s time we are going to need to see everyone in the break room for some serious educational edification. Mersh continues to bash Rumble, his once source of constant income for the past few years, cementing his permanent poor status in history. We watch an entitled woman try to use her stable of men and her influencer gig to pay for a pizza before getting her cuddle cave searched for a knife. And if there’s time I’m sure Aaron Imholte is up to some lies or something, trying once again to distract from his domestic abuse allegations.

NLO Shows

July 22, 2024: Is Mersh Okay? Aaron Imholte Is Still WRECKED About Losing His STEEL TOE Sidekick!

Patrick is back from beating off bears deep in the bush, and of course Aaron Imholte from the Steel Toe Morning Show has been busy trying to convince everyone that he’s moved on while doing nothing but dwelling on his past. Watch a man try to discredit his ex-wife more and more to misdirect your attention away from the allegations of domestic abuse that are causing him so much trauma. One thing is clear – Aaron is a complete boob, incompetent and void of confidence without a woman by his side. Watch the April cope as she gets caught at a tattoo convention with her new boo. Mersh is back in fail form, yelling about pennies and talking tough while trying to straighten out his gaze long enough to convince you he isn’t a desperate poor.

NLO Shows

June 24, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Can’t Get Over April Anderson! Did Mooby MAKE Mat Quit Podcasting?

Another week means another week of milking the drama and trickle of news out of the Rekieta household for sympathy and righteous indignation over at the Aaron Imholte homestead. Watch another morning of Johnny K-legs sighing through the same old cope and whine from his buddy Mooby as he laments the fact that his hotwife is gone for good. A midwestern man cannot let go of his emotional reaction to losing his woman, and we shall all watch as he wrecks his own life as a result. Mathew Poster is one of Aaron’s only cohosts left, and after making his quit his own Savage Thoughts podcast, has Mooby revealed his unintentional plan to keep a stable of beaten-down insecure nobodies to cosign his nonsense on a daily basis? NLO thinks so. Come speculate with us!

NLO Shows

June 19, 2024: THE TEENTH! Did Aaron Imholte DOSE Nick Rekieta’s Kids? New Chilling Accusations!

Patrick has migrated the studio over to a new computer, attacked the problems head on, and is ready to come back live and see what isn’t working. Aaron Imholte has gone full throttle on alighting his few friends about his past, and we are here to shed some light on the truth. Will Aaron Imholte ever be able to let April Anderson go, or is the small-town Minnesota failure of a father destined to waddle in a pity puddle for eternity? Let’s laugh as he lashes out at the latest drip from the Rekieta Law lolcow lollipop. Let’s see who saying what, what makes sense and what doesn’t, and just what everyone’s motives might be. Saddle up, simpletons! It’s time to ride!

NLO Shows

JOHN WATCH! Patrick Under Threat! Steel Toe Sour Hour! Chad Zumock Is LOST In Utah!

Patrick is hunkering down in his basement safe room! Join him for a show tonight and let’s see what happens! The more the merrier! We’ve got some Mersh stuff Patrick attacks Doctor Steve! Steel Toe is getting boring again and that’s good for everyone! Your input and calls! Your fun and balls! Come build a campfire of cope and feel your way to the freedom that is not really caring about any of it!

NLO Shows

June 13, 2024: Nick Rekieta’s NOTHING Texts! Aaron Imholte DODGES Another Fight! Phishing Frenzy!

The host of Steel Toe Morning Show, aka Charlotte Imholte’s dad, aka the most soupy-skinned man in Minnesota, is back at it again. You won’t believe what we have this pasty pudge falling for this week. Aaron can’t wait to destroy his former love, April Anderson, before she even turns in an application at the local factory. The rumors keep swirling and the trolls continue to play Mooby like a fiddle. Keanu Thompson joins this morning for another full-on cope session where Aaron continues to gaslight Keanu about their own friendship. Watch one of the most awkward pairs in the world as they keep trying to “do a show.” The numbers keep falling and the goals are not being hit over in Steel Toe town. Patrick wants Stuttering John to come by his house when he comes through Vegas. He will be waiting. And if John doesn’t come, at least let his mom know that Patrick wants a slice of that old hair pie’s goofy gash!

NLO Shows

June 11, 2024: STEEL TOE’S NEW LADY! Watch Aaron Imholte Use His Children Next!

Aaron Imholte has already started panicking about his channel and the collapse in views now that Nobody Likes Onions is back from break. The views and the live number have Aaron shook, and of course he’s lashing out with insane lies about Patrick to try to make himself feel better about his lack of audience retention skills. The warning signs for women are laid bare at the alter of Steel Toe. Listen while a town man walks you through what he thinks a healthy relationship is, one week after announcing his divorce is official. Will Aaron’s habit of using women to further his own agendas stop at his own children, or is oldest daughter Charlotte Imholte destined to have her reputation smeared by her own father before she steps foot in to a high school. Let’s explore Aaron’s latest round of panic.

NLO Shows

June 10, 2024: Nick Rekieta SHAKES Aaron Imholte! How Long Until EVERYONE TURNS On Steel Toe?

Aaron Imholte has enjoyed a week of swimming in the deep with no natural predators, bragging about his live views and continuing to run his mouth to his own detriment. There will be a day of reckoning where all of the stories and insane pseudo-bragging that Aaron continues to do about his druggie wife April Anderson and his former leather daddy Nick Rekieta cause him some life strife. But he can’t see the forest for the trees, and Aaron is hell-bent on controlling the narrative and trying to make sure everything is portrayed as another win for the Toe. Patrick is back to help settle the proverbial hash of this Minnesota mush mouth. And did we mention that the kids are involved now? This can’t miss!

NLO Shows

HACKAMANIA AFTERMATH: The Highs, Lows, Rants, Raves and Stories! Your Questions Welcome!

Patrick is finished cleaning up his life after Hackamania and wants to sit down and yell some more. His voice isn’t gone enough. Come join in a Friday night hang with a lot of the people you may or may not have met at the event last weekend. Who was there? Who wasn’t? Will Patrick be itching because of all th bedbugs? How much did Ray get paid? Did LL Cool Lee even find the Hilton? All the stories and gossip get laid bare on tonights edition of Nobody Likes Onions.

NLO Shows

June 1, 2024: LIVE AT HACKAMANIA in Las Vegas!

Patrick has lost his voice, and is dealing with curveball after curveball in Las Vegas for Hackamania. Missing performers, promised audio and video components are missing, and cameras start dying left and right. It’s day two and things are going smoother, but Patrick is frazzled and he takes a brief break to rest on stage during his own podcast. Pat Dixon tells the crowd jokes they missed, Bryan Johnson of Tell ‘Em Steve Dave fame joins Patrick to talk about Steel Toe and the latest insane drama with Nick Rekieta. Jason Bently comes up to talk about Kevin Brennan and his Hackamania experience. Tookie Aaron Imholte savs the show with a cloud of energy that fills the room.