NLO Shows

May 20, 2024: Can AARON IMHOLTE Make His Divorce Worse? Scampoli Allergies Manifested!

Good morning! It’s Monday and that means we’ve got an entire new week of exciting single cope from Aaron Imholte. Watch as he carts in his favorite cripple to regale with stories that are sure to make April Anderson feel less-than, and will surely make his children cringe one day. Patrick has some announcements about Hackamania for those who can’t make it out to Vegas next week. Plus Patrick finally find out what a Kevin Scampoli is, and he gets lots of warnings from listeners about what a whack-job the guy is. Patrick is not concerned with the mental illness of strongmen. Seems like a him problem.

NLO Shows

May 14, 2024: Aaron Imholte & April Anderson SPLIT! Did AARON IMHOLTE Expose His Children to DRUGS?!

Aaron Imholte has ruined April Anderson, the simple Minnesota farm girl he plucked from a factory while cheating on his pregnant wife. And now that April’s prime years have been sucked away, and her innocence and self-esteem have been pummeled by the internet and her once-loving husband. Did drugs and copious amounts of dangerous unprotected sex with swingers cause April to run for the hills? Only time will tell, as Mooby lets his resentment fester and leak out through his narcissistic holes. The beginning of the end has been sweet so far, but Mooby’s pride and narcissism are just ramping up and it won’t be long until he starts trashing his former blonde princess.

NLO Shows

May 10, 2024: Steel Toe Morning Show Lives In GASLIGHT CITY! PO Box Friday and More Fun!

It’s Friday and it’s been another banger of a week in the Steel Toe universe. Watching Aaron Imholte slowly come to terms with his life partner rejecting his savior-syndrome insanity. April Imholte is wandering the streets with a resume featuring nothing but some valve-painting experience and a giant gap of employment. Perhaps the rehab completion certificate will garner her some sympathy. Jesse PS is apparently very upset at Patrick and trying to inflict some kind of wrath by manufacturing some version of the truth that works for him. Mersh removes a show from Rumble after an embarrassing night of streaming and proclamations about designing some long-game masterplan to teach Aaron a lesson, when is reality it was nothing but an emotional response to Podawful clowning one of his main allies.

NLO Shows

May 17, 2024: Imholte Divorce Documents! The STEEL TOE Collapse Continues!

Somewhere in Minnesota, April Imholte is waking up from a bad dream. A bad dream that has lasted nearly four years, and cost her some of the best prime time she has on this earth. Aaron is dancing around celebrating his newfound single status as low-key as he can until the ink is dry on the divorce papers. What’s next for Aaron and April? Patrick has some court documents that could help shed some light on the future, and we’d love your theories on the downfall of Minesota’s most hated radio duo. Is April Anderson in rehab for drug addiction? Did Aaron Imholte sit idly by while another man ruined his attempt at a second family? What can we learn from all of this? Happy Friday, nerds!

NLO Shows

May 13, 2024: Aaron Imholte ANNOUNCES DIVORCE?! Silly Corncob Jesse “Kid” Ever ATTACKS!

The melting mountain meh-scape of Minnesota insulates Aaron Imholte and his untalented slag wife from facts and information, and it shows on the latest iterations of the Steel Toe Morning Show. Aaron Imholte is throwing daily tantrums and cascades of cope about Patrick and the rest of his detractors now, obsessing over Melton and Hackamania and other stuff he wishes he could be involved in. Aaron feels lost without his woman and his mentor Mersh to guide his show. Watch as he continues to tell you how well he is doing, and how he’s miles ahead of any perceived competition. Patrick received a message from a comedian that is very charged and threatening, and maybe we should look in to this internet tough man and draw some conclusions!

NLO Shows

May 6, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Is MAX Lazy! MERSH Madness! Is SUMMER SINCLAIR a Fake Reality Star?!

Another week and another round of half-hearted attempts at improving a crumbling program. Aaron Imholte is at a loss without his lady and he’s winning so much, and his show is growing so well that he is changing things left and right. Patrick always says nothing is funnier than when a lolcow actually tries to do something, and last nights Members Only program from the Steel Toe whatever show minus April Imholte. Mersh has a new clipper that expertly captured a recent meltdown from the poor Florida streamer. Is Summer Sinclair trying to get fame or just a few dollars from her recent appearance in a couple of fake reality viral videos. Who makes this kind of crap content and how did they find Summer?

NLO Shows

April 29, 2024: STEEL TOE Reboots Itself – OGAIN! NOBODY Knows Tech In Minnesota!

Aaron Imholte can’t stop declaring himself a winner over and over again. After a hard drive crash, a lack of backups, and little-to-no technical knowledge, the Minnesota luddite tries to get a show going with Keanu for almost forty-five minutes. We take a closer look at Aaron and April Imholte and their friendships with other streamers. There’s a new Mersh clipper in town, and he’s arrived at just ther right time. Things are not going well over at Captain Fatty’s Kitten Castle, and he’s taken to yelling at sponsors and his godfathers at Rumble about his treatment and his recent stress about paying taxes. For a winner, Mersh certainly is always in constant financial panic.

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Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be. I can fly higher than an eagle. You are the wind beneath my wings. Seriously. You are. Look. I know it's a song. But for real, and I've never told this to anyone before - you are like seriously my best friend. It feels right when we are together, ya know? Thanks for listening.

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NLO Shows

March 25, 2024: SHOW CANCELLED! Nobody Wants To Do This! Cancel Your Monday!

Seriously, there isn’t any show. Don’t wait for it. It’s not going to start. Patrick is ill. There is no higher being. We are all floating on a rock through the ether with no purpose or consequences. This is all for nothing. Jkjk but things are off and Patrick is in a funk. Stevie Lew wants to rehash the past and lie again. This guy is addicted to being a victim, and probably doesn’t have anyone’s best interest in mind but his own. Stevie tries to strike a low-blow with some insider info and falls flat on his 6’6″ ass. We find out how important wives are and decide once and for all if anyone cares at all about them. Patrick loves Mersh now and that’s the end of this show. Steel Toe Morning Show was live from Nick the Dick’s house because the Imholtes spent the entire weekend at their home away from home.

NLO Shows

March 19, 2024: TUBBY TUESDAY! Catching Up With ALL The Fats! Steel Toe EXCUSE SHOW Coverage!

Forget about Kevin Brennan and his wobbly green screen and face-melting bad breath for a day. The Steel Toe Morning Show is becoming a parody of itself – each day beginning with addressing haters, rumors, detractors, and trolls about anything and everything they’ve heard. Of course, Aaron still has to mention Patrick and go on a road-trip of success in his own head to self-soothe. Today we’ve got updates from our favorite fats, including Mersh, Corey Adam, Donkeylips, and of course some of the most rotund ladies on the internet. Whether you’re looking for a tasty treat, or you need some advice on how to live a life that’s larger than most, we have you covered on today’s Nobody Likes Onions.

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MEMBERS ONLY: The Porsalin MERSH Documentary Watch! You Won’t BELIEVE How Gross He Is!

Turn up your nose and turn down your speakers! Patrick's here and he's gonna do something, probably! Let's dive in to Mersh, or Mike Schiele, and see how he's become one of the internet's largest lolcows. Join us on a very long journey to discover what makes Mersh a permanently damaged indicidual, scrounging for monetary opportunity like a rat looking for cheese.

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NLO Shows

January 9, 2024: MERSH Says Don’t Worry! Bower Wants His LIFE Back! Aaron Imholte HATES Mornings!

Patrick’s here on a Tuesday to stock your stuffings with goofy goo! Hit the like button, you mortals! Sexual pest Corey Adam can’t stop coping on multiple podcasts about his status in both the comedy community and on the internet. Mersh doesn’t like the internet talking about him almost passing out on his stream. But it’s happening more and more, and how could you not be concerned for the Floridian fat man’s constant mini strokes? Michael Ray Bower has some new complaints and excuses about why he hasn’t been walking and or talking. Steel Toe Morning Show is still trying to pretend like they’re a popular growing show, while it’s more than evident that April ha most likely gone back to the work force.

NLO Shows

January 8, 2024: BIG MONDAY! Corey Adam Reality Check! WORST Enchiladas Ever! Get MERSH A Cot!

Can you believe it’s 2024 and we are still watching Mersh experiment with weed and try not to pass out in a room full of cats where he will most surely be eaten clean to the bone within hours? Me neither! Today we are going to learn how to make the most revolting Mexican dish that you’ve never wondered about, with our planet-sized instructor Rayne. Will you have an appetite by the time the are ready? Steel Toe Morning Show’s Aaron Imholte has never been popular in his home town, and some old Facebook comments can prove it. Former Steel Toe second-mic and wannabe comedian Corey Adam has a nervous breakdown live when confronted with his own reality by a fan over the phone.

NLO Shows

December 14, 2023: KATE MEANEY Gets Turned Out! Joey C Is Gonna BUST! Mersh Sweats A Lot!

It’s been two day’s since Kate Meaney went on her third manic swing regarding her public internet reputation. Kate seems to have tapped out and run for the hills, but can you ever be sure with a privileged private-school drug-dealing anal princess? Joey C can’t stop screaming about Melton, and it’s becoming detrimental to his health. Patrick has an offer Joey can’t refuse. Mersh has a fitness update for everyone and of course wants to tell you about some plans he has for some gross cats he found. Planet with a Palate has breakfast while answering questions from her adoring fans.

NLO Shows

December 9, 2023: MERSH Ain’t Fat! Kate Meaney Embarrasses Herself More! Saturday Vibes!

The rich come out on a Saturday to pick squares and embrace possibilities. The Imholte’s are in Las Vegas and the rumors are trickling in. Patrick has a challenge to issue to Aaron and April, but they’re too busy running around Las Vegas like rubes, dazzled by all the lights and free drinks. Kate Meaney has another video where she’s singing to all of us with he childish angelic voice. Watch as she stands on a table in her rich mom’s home and sings in to a gold club. Patrick’s in the mood for Mersh, and we watch some of this donkey’s latest clips. Mersh is going on a trip and wants everyone to know about his catsitter and the new automatic feeder he splurged on for his cat family. Mersh is also sick of people saying he can’t get laid, and he also doesn’t like Patrick calling him fat, no matter how much it’s the truth.