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MEMBERS ONLY: The Porsalin MERSH Documentary Watch! You Won’t BELIEVE How Gross He Is!

Turn up your nose and turn down your speakers! Patrick's here and he's gonna do something, probably! Let's dive in to Mersh, or Mike Schiele, and see how he's become one of the internet's largest lolcows. Join us on a very long journey to discover what makes Mersh a permanently damaged indicidual, scrounging for monetary opportunity like a rat looking for cheese.

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NLO Shows

January 9, 2024: MERSH Says Don’t Worry! Bower Wants His LIFE Back! Aaron Imholte HATES Mornings!

Patrick’s here on a Tuesday to stock your stuffings with goofy goo! Hit the like button, you mortals! Sexual pest Corey Adam can’t stop coping on multiple podcasts about his status in both the comedy community and on the internet. Mersh doesn’t like the internet talking about him almost passing out on his stream. But it’s happening more and more, and how could you not be concerned for the Floridian fat man’s constant mini strokes? Michael Ray Bower has some new complaints and excuses about why he hasn’t been walking and or talking. Steel Toe Morning Show is still trying to pretend like they’re a popular growing show, while it’s more than evident that April ha most likely gone back to the work force.

NLO Shows

January 8, 2024: BIG MONDAY! Corey Adam Reality Check! WORST Enchiladas Ever! Get MERSH A Cot!

Can you believe it’s 2024 and we are still watching Mersh experiment with weed and try not to pass out in a room full of cats where he will most surely be eaten clean to the bone within hours? Me neither! Today we are going to learn how to make the most revolting Mexican dish that you’ve never wondered about, with our planet-sized instructor Rayne. Will you have an appetite by the time the are ready? Steel Toe Morning Show’s Aaron Imholte has never been popular in his home town, and some old Facebook comments can prove it. Former Steel Toe second-mic and wannabe comedian Corey Adam has a nervous breakdown live when confronted with his own reality by a fan over the phone.

NLO Shows

December 14, 2023: KATE MEANEY Gets Turned Out! Joey C Is Gonna BUST! Mersh Sweats A Lot!

It’s been two day’s since Kate Meaney went on her third manic swing regarding her public internet reputation. Kate seems to have tapped out and run for the hills, but can you ever be sure with a privileged private-school drug-dealing anal princess? Joey C can’t stop screaming about Melton, and it’s becoming detrimental to his health. Patrick has an offer Joey can’t refuse. Mersh has a fitness update for everyone and of course wants to tell you about some plans he has for some gross cats he found. Planet with a Palate has breakfast while answering questions from her adoring fans.

NLO Shows

December 9, 2023: MERSH Ain’t Fat! Kate Meaney Embarrasses Herself More! Saturday Vibes!

The rich come out on a Saturday to pick squares and embrace possibilities. The Imholte’s are in Las Vegas and the rumors are trickling in. Patrick has a challenge to issue to Aaron and April, but they’re too busy running around Las Vegas like rubes, dazzled by all the lights and free drinks. Kate Meaney has another video where she’s singing to all of us with he childish angelic voice. Watch as she stands on a table in her rich mom’s home and sings in to a gold club. Patrick’s in the mood for Mersh, and we watch some of this donkey’s latest clips. Mersh is going on a trip and wants everyone to know about his catsitter and the new automatic feeder he splurged on for his cat family. Mersh is also sick of people saying he can’t get laid, and he also doesn’t like Patrick calling him fat, no matter how much it’s the truth.

NLO Shows

November 7, 2023 – The Roast NOBODY Asked For! Chad Is Pathetic! Ray Is Sad!

It’s the day of the most pathetic excuse for a roast in recent comedy history. Gone are the days of respecting the craft and picking up a pen. Let the chips fall where they may when Chad Zumock and Ray DeVito awkwardly take the screen to tell an unspecified number of jokes in an unspecified format for an unspecified amount of money. What could go wrong? We have your ultimate pre-game breakdown before the cluster*ck begins. Steel Toe Morning Show’s feminine host Aaron Imholte can’t stop spinning in a hole of his own design, and the latest round of cope doesn’t disappoint.

NLO Shows

October 30, 2023 – Florida’s LEAST Wanted! Joey C Snaps, Mersh FISH LUNCH Art Contest

Good Mooby Monday, friends! Let’s check in with Minnesota’s favorite married misery couple, Aaron and April Imholte of the Steel Toe Morning Show! What is the cognitive dissonance that looms over Minnesota that allows these two to live in complete denial? Plus, we have an exclusive Joey C meltdown from Florida, where there’s a matter of a theft that needs sorting out. Watch Joey scream in a parking lot and almost get sent to the hospital for hyperventilating. Plus, more hilarious Mersh moments, and your art contest entries deferred from Friday. Don’t miss Monday with your pals at the Nobody Likes Onions program!

NLO Shows

October 27, 2023 – Kevin Brennan “WINS” Ray From Shuli! What Say You?

Happy Friday, fellow Earth-dwellers! So much has happened over the last couple of days, we’ve got to throw out the bath water and change the gender of this whole baby! Kevin Brennan has unleashed relentless amounts of bullying on soft-brain Ray Devito this week, putting pressure on the young upstart comedian to choose between his fatter paycheck at MLC or his weekly slog slot at The Shuli Network, where his show is increasingly becoming an outlier amongst the other John-centric programming. Will Replayables be left as the only non-John show on the Shuli schedule? And if so, what does this mean for the future of the network? Plus, more great Mersh moments and your art contest submissions for our latest contest.

NLO Shows

October 24, 2023 – Being a LEXUS Guy, Bower is REBOOTING, Have a Slice for Training Tuesday!

Patrick is a Lexus guy now, so you’re going to need to show some appropriate respect when you address him from now on. Who knew cars could do all this stuff! What will they think of next! Summer Sinclair isn’t giving up on Hollywood and has some new audition tapes. Michael Ray Bower has a new agent and a new outlook on life. Will he be accepted by the acting community again, or is this all just another pathetic attempt at feeling better about himself? It’s Tuesday, so pin on your name tag because these salads aren’t going to make themselves.

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SPECIAL: Legion of Cranks!

Our favorite Shuli Network nuts Bob Levy and Shuli Egar are headed to the big city to appear on Legion of Skanks with Luis J. Gomez, Big Jay Oakerson and more. Let's watch an see if his really is intent on starting Podcast Wars 2023 or if this is all just fun and shames. Kevin is back on the defense as Chad rakes in the superchats and successfully silences Kevin's lines of communication. What will happen next? Let's go!

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EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! Just kidding! This is a podcast on a platform for videos and Patrick is a comedian. None of this is of any importance! Patrick watches the late night MLC stream featuring Bob Levy and Ray Devito. Ray keeps saying insane things and lying while trying to still appease everyone. He's a lost cause. Kevin Brennan and his guests get drunk and have a blast. Patrick gets talked (or superchatted) in to doing another hour, and we wade in to a disgusting minster named Mersh. A superfan named Brandon shows up and superchats about $500 in just a matter of minutes. Hero? Drunk? Who knows?

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NLO Shows

Melton in the Morning – April 13, 2023

Patrick has upgraded the entire sound chain in the studio, and gotten rid of the line noise and hiss that has slowly developed and mired the show in an unpleasant audio cacophony. But crisp audio and fun time are on the way. Patrick gets schooled on how to improve the show by David Attenborough. Corey Adam cannot stop showing his ass and we are here for it – you won’t believe how odd his new “show” is. Some ex-comic in Tampa named Mersh or Merch (no one can confirm) seems to be harboring a decade-long resentment of Patrick because of an interaction years ago. Patrick rejected Mersh’s insane offering of post-midnight steaks and skanks, and that has scarred his brain forever.