NLO Shows

Melton in the Morning – April 25, 2023

Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Like a diamond in the sky, Patrick shines through to make your Tuesday far more “meh” thank it could have been. Patrick is live this morning to try to make up for yesterday’s debacle, but will he succeed? On this show, we break down all the recent drama between Chad Zumock and Kevin Brennan over the future of the MLC podcast.Today Kevin plans to have Karl from WATP on, and Chad knows it’s just meant to troll him. Chad calls in to defend calling Patrick a tall dumbass. Bob Levy and Shuli Egar are trying to drive the Shuli Network right over Nobody Likes Onions’ grave by stealing the early morning time slot. This means WAR!

NLO Shows

Melton in the Morning – April 24, 2023

The haters be hating, the lovers be lovin’ and Mondays gonna keep on comin’! It’s a new week, and with a new week comes new problems. Patrick spends nearly an hour getting defeated by technical issues. A hissing and popping and crackling sound have emerged and it’s beneath the standards of this program to proceed under such circumstances. Reboots, updates, and physical intervention all prove mostly fruitless, but at some point we learn to let go and have fun. No Cam Monday gives way to some cameras, a standoff for closure, a call-in to Shuli, a possible new theme song for morning shows, and newfound friendships in the chat room.

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PM in the AM: Dec 14, 2020

It's all over now. It's moving day. In just hours everything must be in boxes, and Patrick is being super chill about all of it. Maybe. Until he empties the alcohol and starts ripping foam off the walls. It's the last few moments in this iteration of the studio, and you get to watch. Or listen. We talk about Josh Denny, Twitch and their subs, waste management, Vegas comedy, and podcast studio design and desks. Patrick wants to reboot Xzibit's career with a new show.

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PM in the AM: Dec 10, 2020

Patrick sits down for a morning chat with you, his favorite listeners. Twitch has been sending out some long emails lately, and they are making new policies about content almost daily. Get ready for no jokes and no fun online. Patrick thinks he has been hacked because of a camera glitching and his new networking equipment being setup by a crazed fan named Spiro Bronch. Patrick has been painting and doing projects at the new house, which have been keeping him too busy to hang out with you dorks.

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PM in the AM – August 21, 2020

Another day and we have fired up YouTube to watch a very weird video uploaded by our pal Thai Rivera. Thai has partnered with some local Vegas studio, in what we can only imagine involved a series of false promises and lies. Can you imagine inviting Thai to come "create content" where your children sleep? We tour the studio and see everything it has to offer

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PM in the AM – Fri, May 22, 2020

PM in the AM is back and so are America's gangsters. Patrick talks about the reopening of casinos, and two shootings this week that prove we are getting back to normality. Patrick doesn't understand the Nintendo Switch, but feels like he should get one in order to keep up with the youngsters. Animal Crossing is all the rage, so we try to dive in and learn what it's all about. Alex Ansel checks in to explain why it's so addictive.

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