NLO Shows

February 19, 2024: GIFTGATE! Is SHULI NETWORK Desperate? Heather Gillespie’s BABY WATCH!

It’s president’s day, and Patrick is the commander-in-chief of all the clip shows! A listener is able to demonstrate purchasing memberships for pennies on the dollar, opening up some serious accusations against The Shuli Network. But is it just needless hate and speculation, or is there any evidence of foul play? Is Kevin Brennan chasing the numbers dragon himself in light of newly available data? Let’s have a look at the numbers! Corey Adam takes a vacation with his mom and can’t stop making boring reels about it. Heather Gillespie is overdue and little baby Rico must be clairvoyant, because he’s refusing to come out and join his mother on her loser parade through life. We check in on what might be the worst mom in America.

NLO Shows

December 7, 2023: Kate Meaney Should RUN! Kevin Brennan MELTS DOWN In Hypocrisy!

Kate Meaney spent most of the night huddled over a keyboard leaving comments on yesterday’s NLO show, and she has now blocked Patrick after many accusations. It’s sad when a young comedian has no idea how the internet works, but apparently Kate is in the DANGER ZONE! Kevin Brennan is obsessed with Shuli and his viewers, but thinks Patrick is obsessed with his viewers. He bites the troll bait HARD! What a nut! Ray Devito seems to be more confused than ever. It’ a tumultuous time and I ask that you bear with us during this personal ordeal.

NLO Shows

December 6, 2023: Someone Help Kate Meaney! Kevin Brennan is LOOSE!

It’s another week of MLC drama, and Kevin is at the peak of his obsession with Shuli and Bob and their viewers. What is the prize that whoever wins this corner of the internet gets? Is there a plaque or some sort of certificate? What is Kate Meaney trying to protect, anyway? Did Geno have anything to do with a privacy complaint on one of Patrick’s videos? Do we ever need another show with this sorcerer psychiatrist again? I’ve got some yelling to do!

NLO Shows

October 27, 2023 – Kevin Brennan “WINS” Ray From Shuli! What Say You?

Happy Friday, fellow Earth-dwellers! So much has happened over the last couple of days, we’ve got to throw out the bath water and change the gender of this whole baby! Kevin Brennan has unleashed relentless amounts of bullying on soft-brain Ray Devito this week, putting pressure on the young upstart comedian to choose between his fatter paycheck at MLC or his weekly slog slot at The Shuli Network, where his show is increasingly becoming an outlier amongst the other John-centric programming. Will Replayables be left as the only non-John show on the Shuli schedule? And if so, what does this mean for the future of the network? Plus, more great Mersh moments and your art contest submissions for our latest contest.

NLO Shows

September 25, 2023 – OLD MAN Brennan Needs Clues! Congrats Geno & Kiki! Chad Zumock Is a ZILCH!

What a weekend, and what a life! Congratulations to Geno and his lady for getting engaged, although this means Geno is no longer single, and therefore not available for Aaron and April to have a threesome with. Patrick has been beaming all weekend after Butch Bradley’s embarrassing Friday performance on Kevin Brennan’s podcast. Will Misery Loves Company be the final podcast where Butch talks about this, or will he run his mouth again. Does Patrick have a prayer at a defamation case, or is Kevin Brennan right when he says “you can’t just sue people.” We shall find out. Steel Toe has some new cringe to examine. Chad Zumock cannot stop lying, unless he’s reading. When he’s reading he stops his breathing. Let’s have ourselves a merry little Monday, shall we?

NLO Shows

September 8, 2023 – Alex Stein STOOPS To Zumock, DonkeyLips Excuses Ahoy, Patrick ATTACKS Shuli

It’s been a week of wild twists and turns, and the rumors are more interesting than the truth. Patrick helps the haters focus on the real issues. Michael Ray Bower has still not answered Patrick’s offer to come on the show, nor mentioned the care package Patrick sent with The Willies VHS and several items of NLO merch. Will he ever acknowledge it? Did he even receive it? Bower has lots of excuses for why he was not cast in some epic films, and one of them is that he’s too thin! Patrick thinks producer Joe copied something weird from NLO to troll him, but Patrick is just dumb! Chad Zumock shows that even a room full of producers can’t help him be funny on Alex Stein’s sad and confusing show.

Featured Videos

SPA SHOW! Get Wet, Dwerbs! (September 1, 2023)

Splish splash, I was taking a bath
Long about a Saturday night, yeah
A rub dub, just relaxing in the tub
Thinking everything was alright

Well, I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me
And I opened the door, and then a
Splish, splash, I jumped back in the bath
Well, how was I to know there was a party going on?

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Featured Videos

MEMBERS ONLY: NO POORS! Let’s Take This Up a Notch! 🤑💲💵💰

The week is over, but the drama has just begun! Let's kick it! Patrick takes heat for doing a spa show and has the sunburn to prove it! Chad Zumock does what he does best - STEAL! Chad gets $1K to do a pool show, and now this poor mofo has to find a pool! Make a sauna appointment! Kevin Brennan is losing his mind of other people's money and also has tons of comments about stuff he doesn't have right! Patrick has had enough of the hack challenges that anyone can do. Tonight it gets tooken to the next level. Patrick lays out the challenge.

This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only.
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NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: Mountain Dew Dogs. Ray’s Retarded Rabbit Hole (August 1, 2023)

Happy FRIDAY! Join Patrick in putting a tight bow on this weeks mayhem. We have an art contest today, and it’s sure to make KC Armstrong squirm in his pantaloons! We want to see your best homo-erotic interpretation of KC Armstrong from the Howard Stern show – whether he’s dolled up with nowhere to go, or lounging around with the “boys,” we want to see it. Michael Ray Bower has been putting out no content and wants the haters to know he is killing it. What is this delusion that once “kind-of-celebs” have that makes them thing they have the clout and skills to be big stars today?

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: LOOSE FRIDAYS! Ray is Mad, Fans are Mad, E-Rock is Dumb (July 28, 2023)

It’s Friday and we’re going to be combing through your memes and drops to see what beams and pops! Ray Devito has a startling show that must be watch almost in its entirety and why wouldn’t we? Chad Zumock might be wearing makeup. The trolls are reacting in weird ways. We have some nutty fans. E-Rock proves his incompetence once more in a Compound Media clip with Anthony Cumia and Dave Landau. Plans for the 24-hour show get discussed and finalized.

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: Bubba VS. Alex Stein and Shuli, Creepy Lady Kooks! (July 25, 2023)

It’s Tuesday and Patrick is confident that things will work better on the technical front today. Will there be glitches and issues? Most likely. Is the AI voice chat too tinny for some listeners? No doubt. Patrick yells and screams for the fans of the chaos. Bubba the Love Sponge calls out Alex Stein and Shuli Egar of The Shuli Network for disrespecting his program and not recognizing his superior broadcasting skills. It sounds like it may be a big misunderstanding. Why is Bubba defending himself against these guys? Is Shuli a member of a cult that believes in demons and crystals and other weird stuff? It’s possible. Patrick gets a curse from a caller. We watch Ming Chen from Comic Book Men do standup for the first time.

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: KC Armstrong is a Real Boy, Bower is Crushing It (July 7, 2023)

Happy FRIDAY! Join Patrick in putting a tight bow on this weeks mayhem. We have an art contest today, and it’s sure to make KC Armstrong squirm in his pantaloons! We want to see your best homo-erotic interpretation of KC Armstrong from the Howard Stern show – whether he’s dolled up with nowhere to go, or lounging around with the “boys,” we want to see it. Michael Ray Bower has been putting out no content and wants the haters to know he is killing it. What is this delusion that once “kind-of-celebs” have that makes them thing they have the clout and skills to be big stars today?

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: Ray Can’t Cook, Chad Can’t Win (July 6, 2023)

It’s Thursday, and boy, does it ever feel like it! Let’s keep on pushing to get through this week and just soak up some away-time from the Internet this weekend, ok? Patrick has wired up his cough button, but there’s a hum that’s driving him crazy. Will it cause him to storm out of the room and go back to bed? Find out why an email right before the show has Patrick questioning humanity. And what does Flimsy Greenberg say that hurts Patrick to his core? Find out all of these answers and more on this show. Also, Patrick may or may not be a victim of a Cash app scam by a pastor in Maryland. Ray DeVito may be the most challenged adult in the world, and his recent steak experience shows all his flaws. Chad Zumock makes another bad call and goes on to MLC for one of the most pointless screaming matches to grace a podcast in this dumb war yet.

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: Sad World is Sad – Breaking Down the Dabbleverse (July 3, 2023)

Tis the eve of the anniversary of the birth of our nation. And we here at Onioncorp are thankful for free speech, fine foods, and good old fashioned name calling. Patrick is becoming ever disturbed by the ongoing activities in the so-called Dabbleverse, and the cauldron could either be coming to a boil or the flame could be about to die completely. Join Patrick this morning to recap the latest from Kevin Brennan, Bob Levy, Shuli, and KC Armstrong. And find out what this all has to do with some idiot name Stuttering John Melendez. This ship is suffering fom an airlock failure and we are going to need everyone to head to the escape pods – stat!