February 19, 2024: GIFTGATE! Is SHULI NETWORK Desperate? Heather Gillespie’s BABY WATCH!
It’s president’s day, and Patrick is the commander-in-chief of all the clip shows! A listener is able to demonstrate purchasing memberships for pennies on the dollar, opening up some serious accusations against The Shuli Network. But is it just needless hate and speculation, or is there any evidence of foul play? Is Kevin Brennan chasing the numbers dragon himself in light of newly available data? Let’s have a look at the numbers! Corey Adam takes a vacation with his mom and can’t stop making boring reels about it. Heather Gillespie is overdue and little baby Rico must be clairvoyant, because he’s refusing to come out and join his mother on her loser parade through life. We check in on what might be the worst mom in America. …