NLO Shows

NLO 963: Up Never

Guess who isn’t moving on in Comedy Central’s big contest? Patrick! Patrick talks about the Up Next show in Fort Lauderdale, and while he didn’t win, he maximized the opportunity to network and build a

NLO Shows

NLO 962: All Gussy’d Up

Cornell Reid is in the studio, and he’s showing some pink. Because his shirt is really pink. We talk about girls private parts and what makes them so awesome. Patrick has an issue with his

NLO Shows

NLO 961: Talking Annoying

D-Fritz joins Patrick in the studio to talk about the news of the day. And most of the news of the day, like it or not, is still revolving around this Comedy Central contest. Patrick

NLO Shows

NLO 956: Up Next

Tony Gaud is in the studio to discuss the Comedy Central Up Next competition in detail. This was an attempt at a regular show that just degraded in to comedy talk. We talk about the

NLO Shows

NLO 953: Update From Florida

Patrick gives an update from the road. He’s been in Florida for three weeks doing shows, hanging out with old friends, and winning Comedy Central contests. Hear all about it and more on this show.

NLO Shows

NLO 950: Primm Fairytales

Patrick is joined in the studio by comedian Diaz Mackie. On this show, Patrick continues his ranting and raving about Dave Chappelle and his recent inability to stay on stage and put on a good

NLO Shows

NLO 948: Fritzcoin

Patrick sits down with the one and only D-Fritz for this gem. We’re talking a lot of comedy real talk in this episode. Patrick tricks D-Fritz in to accepting Bitcoin for the Starbucks he picked

NLO Shows

NLO 947: Chappeltdown

Comedian Sean Green is in studio for today’s packed show. Patrick and Sean talk about the pros and cons of meth and how not to make it in your apartment. We watch some footage of

NLO Shows

NLO 946: Clubs are Dumb

Join Patrick and Cornell Reid as they weave a fun couple of hours of show. Patrick is upset about no less than a half dozen things, as usual. Everything from the way people dress to

NLO Shows

NLO 944: Stage Dive

This show is all over the place and the studio is packed full of misfits. We’ve got comedians Al Jackson and Forrest Shaw, along with the lovely Mikala and ex-intern turned business professional, Shooby. We

NLO Shows

NLO 943: Raising Retards

Patrick is flying solo today, but that doesn’t mean it ain’t good. Strap in for some good rants, and a recall of one of the most beloved segments of yesteryear – the Bad Podcast of

NLO Shows

NLO 843: Euro-Recap

CORNELL REID is in the studio, and we are going through the motions of thanking people, telling about our adventures, and teasing the massive amount of videos and content headed towards the Overdose members. We