NLO 1336: Pool Aid (Full Show)
Patrick fires up the stream to hang with Alex Ansel and discuss all the recent goings on in the United States of Terror. Patrick is seriously contemplating moving when his lease is up, and possibly…...
Patrick fires up the stream to hang with Alex Ansel and discuss all the recent goings on in the United States of Terror. Patrick is seriously contemplating moving when his lease is up, and possibly…...
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Patrick fires up the stream to hang with Alex Ansel and discuss all the recent goings on in the United States of Terror. Patrick is seriously contemplating moving when his lease is up, and possibly pulling the trigger on buying a new house. He’d like to get a pool, including a pool house and Kool Aid wants to move in and be the show intern. Patrick wants to be a professional troll, and he’s got some ideas. …
Patrick is still trying to figure out Twitch, and it's going about as well as you'd expect. There's all these custom emoji things, and bits, and subs, and follows, oh my! This is not for anyone to try to lean anything serious about Twitch, but more of an exercise in frustration.
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Patrick doesn’t understand Twitch. Subs, Bits, Perks, Emotes. What does it all mean? And does anyone care? How does it work? Will we ever figure it out? Let’s take a poll and see…. This content...
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Facebook streaming issues plague the start of the show. Patrick can’t get anything going, but we try to make it entertaining while we gear up…. This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only.SUBSCRIBE NOW and get...
This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only.
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