NLO Shows

January 26, 2024: STEEL TOE Struggle Show! DONKEYLIPS Goes Mobile! CRAZY JOE Is Killing It!

Happy Friday! We’ve got an extremely awkward moment from Minnesota’s favorite failed radio duo, Aaron and April Imholte. What’s going on with the couple? After opining about a renewed career in terrestrial radio and seeing their support dry up before their very eyes, what’s next for the distraught darlings of the radio dial as they hurl toward poverty? Micheal Ray Bower has figurered out how his legs work and wants you to come on a walk with him. Our old friend Crazy Joe is becoming slowly awakened to the new presence of the onions in is life again, and it’s not going to go well for the cranky old senior citizen.

NLO Shows

January 12, 2024: Steel Toe Fib-Fest! Catching Up With The UNHINGED! P.O. Box Surprises!

Happy Friday to you, wherever and whenever you may be. Yes, whenever. We don’t discriminate against time-travelers here. Michael Ray Bower is just about ready to launch his podcast, and it’s nothing like anything he’s described before. Is this really it? Heather Gillespie is still outside in Chicago fighting injustice and working hard to make sure she has a warm and dry place to squirt her baby out in a few weeks. Crazy Joe has become aware of the onions again, and he isn’t happy about all the attention. We do a quick peek in the P.O. Box to find a package from Flatcar Jessica and more.

NLO Shows

NLO 1388: Pawtistic

Patrick has serious concerns about the dog he has allowed in to his home and heart. How do you know when it’s time to give up and just put it outside in the dirt? Seriously? This show starts out normal enough, but evolves in to what is sure to be a landmark moment for the Nobody Likes Onions program. After six years of nothing but harassment and hope from those who follow our history with Crazy Joe, the man himself calls in to the show to talk with Patrick and bury the hatchet! Joe want to possibly broadcast his show on the Onions network, but he’s hesitant to trust the fans if they’re all like that idiot, Curran. There’s big news regarding our personal freedoms and it’s way too confusing to be an accident. Patrick ponders the trouble with Bill and Melina Grates and thinks there might be a BIG scandal coming soon!

NLO Shows

NLO 1116: Trump’d Up

Patrick is doing a quick solo show today to clear out some old show notes. First of all, it looks like some debris from that Malaysian 777 that crashed over a year ago has begun