NLO Shows

NLO 901: Clown Room

Comedians DANNY LOBELL and JOEY GAY are in the studio today. Patrick’s up to his balls in tech difficulties, everything is running late, and nothing ever works right. White people problems. Patrick talks about a

NLO Shows

NLO 889: Joystick

Comedians DWAYNE PERKINS and ALLI BREEN are in the studio. Patrick has received an interesting sex toy in the mail. Sure it was on his Amazon wishlist. Dwayne tells a story about an old lady

NLO Shows

NLO 683: All in the Delivery

Comedian Geoff Keith sits down to discuss a recent international incident. Geoff had some material stolen by a performer on Australia’s Got Talent, and for some reason, everyone there seems pretty cool with it. Patrick

NLO Shows

NLO 437: Obama Has Aides

Dagre and Johnny join Patrick in the studio for this rousing bit of entertainment. We talk about how Johnny doesn’t keep up with current events at all, and make him prove it by recapping a