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NLO 1347: Trez’ Company

The Trez Mala deep dive continues, and this well goes deep. Or should we say this dam is high? Either way, strap in as we explore Trez' YouTube and social media to discover just what gives this guy his comedy edge. We learn how to cook eggs on a grill, how eating old pork with mac and cheese in a deep fried tortilla won't kill you instantly, and you don't need six views on a YouTube video to make you a star.

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NLO Shows

NLO 1346: Bad3

The gay giving tree that is Thai Rivera has birthed us a new comedian jester to keep our eyes on, Trez Mala. Patrick took years of Spanish in high school. so he’s pretty sure that means “bad three.” Or something close. In the first installment of two, we listen to Trez talk about himself and his comedy roots and philosophy on some other gas weasel’s podcast. If you’ve never heard of the MoonBug Glip Glop podcast, strap in