Bonus Stuff

Sunday Funday! Krummy Komedy

It's SUNDAY! It's FUNDAY! It's time to see what's wrong in the world according to Patrick. We've got rumors swirling and comedy to watch! Pour yourself a glass of Tang and let's get to it! Thai is removed from a show by local comedy mom Irma Ruiz, and he isn't happy about it. That's not going to stop him from pretending to be Unbothered for 30 minutes about it. Our friend TommyNC2010 calls in to talk about dead dads, and of course tries to turn the conversation political and controversial. Vegas comedian Angie Krum has been taunting her new comedy special, but Patrick can't believe it's only ten minutes long. Some chat members are frothed over Patrick krumming the water, but is it worth it?

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NLO Shows

BONUS SHOW – TommyNC2010 Calls In!

BONUS SHOW! Patrick fires up the stream to hang with the common people, and see what there is to catch up on in the world of freaks and Greeks! Patrick is surprised that Keith and the Girl are still trying to get people to watch their YouTube channel, despite putting absolutely no effort in to production value or quality of content. We get a surprise call from TommyNC2010, one of the premier YouTube personalities in the world – just ask Daniel Tosh. We wrap up trying to get through another clusterfork of a show put out by Thai Rivera, but who has the time? LIKE THIS? Bonus shows like this and much more are typically available to Overdose Members only.

NLO Shows

NLO 1077: Ten Lindens

Patrick is recovering from being sick and does a show packed with recent stuff. We cover the Super Bowl commercials that none of us really care about. It really was a batch of duds this

NLO Shows

NLO 1064: Turnt

Shooby is in the studio slash living room for tonight’s amazing show. First, you’ll hear a story about how Shooby locked Patrick out of the apartment somehow, and listen to the voicemails Patrick left while

NLO Shows

NLO 1038: The Fly in the Room

D-Fritz is in the studio for today’s extra-long episode. We’re going crazy over a big fat fly that is humming around the room. Patrick tries to kill it about seventeen times, and fails miserably. Patrick