NLO Shows

NLO 934: Clewd

Hilarious comedians Ken Barnard and Ricky Carmona are back in the hot seats. We are really diving in to the world of the supernatural today. We are watching a video of a guy who thinks

NLO Shows

NLO 844: Crasstronaut

RYAN STOUT and AL JACKSON are here and everyone is in costume. Patrick is an astronaut, Ryan is a police constable, and Al is Trayvon Martin. We talk about Halloween, crazy people, comedy, and so

NLO Shows

NLO 783: Beerly Beloved

Patrick is doing a solo show today, and it’s super-sized to make up for no show on Monday. We talk about the new show merch, and Patrick tells about a can koozie fiasco that he

NLO Shows

NLO 776: jRobot

JOSH DENNY is back in the studio, and woah, this show gets real. I think we have a real friendship breakthrough therapy session. Also in the studio are fans Ben and Brendan, and Brendan brought